Lopez Obrador: Congress’s “Supermajority” Echoes the Will of the People

Lopez Obrador: Congress’s “Supermajority” Echoes the Will of the People

MEXICO CITY.— This Thursday, during his usual morning press conference, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradornoted that the ruling of the Electoral Court of the Judiciary (TEPJF) which confirmed the qualified majoritytwo thirds of the 500 deputies, of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and allies, fulfilled the will of the Mexicans.

“Everything is going well, the will of the citizens expressed in the election is being fulfilled and within the framework of the rules, what the Constitution establishes, what the law on the matter establishes,” said the president.

The Mexican ruler’s reaction comes just a few hours after the TEPJF approved on Wednesday, by four votes in favor and one against, the project that confirms the agreement of the National Electoral Institute (INE) on the allocation of federal deputies by proportional representation.

Last Friday, the INE assigned the qualified majority to the Morena, Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) and Labor (PT) parties in the lower house, with which they will be able to reform the Constitution without negotiating with the opposition.

López Obrador pointed out that this was part of the “democratic election” of June 2, in which the Morena candidate won. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardowith almost 36 million votes.

“We are talking about millions of Mexicans who went to vote freely, that is democracy, and they decided in favor of the candidate Claudia Sheinbaum,” he said, adding that this has not been seen in the country for centuries.

“They will tell me that it is not true, but we fought very hard to uphold democracy,” he concluded.

He said that the decision of the TEPJF means that “by the will of the people” and in accordance with what is established in the Constitution, the transformation movement that he has led will have a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

“In order to carry out reforms to the Constitution, which is what they (the opposition) do not want, because when they had a qualified majority they carried out reforms to the Constitution to benefit a rapacious minority, and all these reforms were against the people,” he said.

In addition to Sheinbaum Pardo’s presidential victory, Morena and its allies won 364 seats out of a total of 500 on June 2, meaning they will be able to reform the Constitution without obstacles in the lower house, while in the Senate they won 83 out of a total of 128, although two opposition senators announced that they would join the ruling party.

The opposition denounced an “overrepresentation” of Sheinbaum Pardo’s coalition in the distribution of the 200 deputies and 32 senators that are elected based on proportional voting, since the alliance obtained 73% of the seats despite reaching 54% of the votes at the polls.

Starting on September 1, the ruling party’s deputies will be able to approve reforms, such as the one that will establish popular elections in the judiciary, without negotiating with the opposition.

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#Lopez #Obrador #supermajority #Congress #people
2024-09-07 06:57:04

What has Andrés Manuel López Obrador done for Mexico

Mexican Politics: Triumph for López Obrador and Morena Party

In a significant political ⁢development, Mexican President ⁣Andrés Manuel López Obrador has celebrated a major victory for his ruling⁣ party, the National Regeneration Movement‌ (Morena), and its ​allies. The Electoral Court of the Judiciary (TEPJF) has confirmed the qualified majority of two-thirds of the 500 deputies in the lower house of Congress, granting the ruling coalition unprecedented power to reform ​the Constitution without opposition.

According to López Obrador, this ⁢outcome is a testament ⁤to the will of the Mexican people, who voted freely ⁣in the ⁣democratic election on June 2, 2024, in which Morena candidate Claudia ⁢Sheinbaum Pardo emerged ​victorious with almost 36 million votes [[2]]. ‌The president emphasized that this result is a manifestation of democracy, as millions of ‌Mexicans exercised their right to vote and chose in favor of Sheinbaum Pardo.

The TEPJF’s decision has significant implications ⁢for Mexican politics, as it⁣ enables the ruling party to reform the Constitution without negotiating with the opposition. López Obrador highlighted⁢ that⁢ this outcome is ⁢a direct result ‌of the democratic process, which his government has worked hard to uphold [[3]].

The opposition, however,⁢ has denounced the decision, claiming ⁣that it represents an “overrepresentation” of Sheinbaum Pardo’s coalition in the distribution of seats. Despite securing only 54% of the votes at the polls, the ‌alliance won ‍73% of the seats in ‍the lower house and Senate [[4]].

This development⁤ marks a significant shift in the balance of power in Mexican politics, with López Obrador’s government poised to implement constitutional reforms without opposition. ‌As the country looks to the future, the impact of this outcome will be closely watched and debated.

the confirmation of the qualified⁢ majority for the Morena party ​and⁣ its allies marks a significant triumph for López Obrador and his government. As the country embarks on a new chapter in ​its political history, the implications of this outcome will be felt for years ⁣to come.





Keywords: Mexico, López Obrador, Morena party,‍ National Regeneration Movement, Electoral Court of ​the Judiciary, TEPJF, Constitutional reform,⁤ Democracy, Mexican politics.

Who is the current Mexican President

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: The President of Mexico’s Quest for Democratic Reforms

In a recent press conference, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador addressed the nation, celebrating the Electoral Court of the Judiciary’s (TEPJF) decision to confirm the qualified majority of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allies in the Chamber of Deputies[[[1]]. This ruling, which was approved by four votes in favor and one against, confirms the allocation of federal deputies by proportional representation, as established by the National Electoral Institute (INE) [[3]].

Lopez Obrador emphasized that this decision reflects the will of the Mexican people, who voted freely in the democratic election on June 2. He praised the electoral advisors who respected the Constitution and authorized the legal distribution of plurinominal deputies and senators, stating that “the freedom of citizens has been fulfilled”[[[1]]. The president’s reaction comes on the heels of the TEPJF’s approval of the project, which confirms the agreement of the INE on the allocation of federal deputies by proportional representation.

The allocation of the qualified majority to Morena, the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), and the Labor Party (PT) in the lower house means that they will be able to reform the Constitution without negotiating with the opposition [[3]]. This development has sparked controversy, with some opponents arguing that the reform process lacks transparency and inclusivity.

Lopez Obrador, however, defended the democratic process, stating that the transformation movement he has led will have a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies, allowing them to carry out constitutional reforms [[3]]. He argued that the opposition had a qualified majority in the past but did not use it to benefit the people, implying that his administration is committed to democratic reforms.

The president’s comments have sparked a heated debate, with some critics accusing him of manipulating the electoral process to advance his own political agenda. However, Lopez Obrador remains committed to his vision of democratic reform, which he believes will benefit the Mexican people.

In his final state-of-the-nation speech, Lopez Obrador defended his legacy, emphasizing that his administration has worked tirelessly to uphold democracy and promote the will of the people [[2]]. Despite the controversy surrounding the electoral process, Lopez Obrador remains a dominant figure in Mexican politics, with a strong support base and a commitment to democratic reform.

As Mexico navigates this critical period in its political history, the international community will be watching closely to see how the country’s democratic institutions respond to the challenges ahead. One thing is clear: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador remains a key player in shaping Mexico’s political landscape, and his vision for democratic reform will continue to have a profound impact on the country’s future.


[1] BBC News, “Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador”

[2] Al Jazeera, “Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador”

[3] Al Jazeera, “Mexico’s AMLO defends legacy in final state-of-the-nation speech”



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