López Obrador accuses the Business Coordinating Council of asking that “the Constitution be violated”

MEXICO CITY.- On Monday morning, during his usual press conference, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradoraccused the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) to request that “the Constitution is violated”because the top of the private sector asked Avoid “overrepresentation” in the distribution of the proportional representation legislators.

“I am very sorry that the Business Coordinating Council is asking for the Constitution to be violated. In short, they are first and foremost, shamelessly defining themselves by corruption and they do not want a genuine rule of law, they want a crooked state,” said the president.

President López Obrador considered “a disgrace” the position of the CCEwho on Sunday asked the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) to preserve “democratic balances” and “respect for the popular vote” in Congress.

In addition to the presidential victory of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allied parties won 256 seats out of 300 that are elected by direct vote and 62 seats out of 96 senators on June 2, but the INE has yet to distribute the 200 seats and 32 senators by proportional representation.

What did the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) say about overrepresentation?

The Business Coordinating Council asked the National Electoral Institute to avoid the Overrepresentation of Morena and its allies with the allocation of plurinominal deputies.

In a statement, the CCE noted that “the electoral authorities have the historical responsibility to decide based on the citizen’s will expressed at the polls,” since “what is at stake in this decision is the preservation of democratic balancesrespect for the popular vote and, therefore, the political representation of the country.”

The business organization noted that “it is the spirit that, from our perspective, must prevail in the face of allocation and overrepresentation limits”.

The businessmen asked both the INE and the Electoral Court (TEPJF) to “carry out the assignment of the plurinominal deputies through a sensible, fair, balanced interpretation and attached to the Constitution and the will of the people.”

What does the Constitution say about overrepresentation in Congress?

The Constitution establishes in Article 54 that “a political party” cannot have a representation in Congress “that exceeds by eight points its percentage of national votes,” but the opposition asks that the entire coalition of Morena, the Labor Party (PT) and the Green Party (PVEM) be considered in this calculation.

But López Obrador argued that the problem of the CCE, which represents 80% of the gross domestic product (GDP), is not about “over-representation”, but rather they are trying to prevent the ruling party from obtaining a two-thirds majority in Congress to approve the judicial reform to elect judges by popular vote.

“It is a lot of arrogance that those who feel they are the owners of Mexico want to have judges, magistrates and ministers of the Supreme Court at their feet,” he commented.

AMLO’s message to the CCE

The president accused businessmen of “having ministers of the Supreme Court at their service.” He asserted that companies want to maintain control of the judiciary so that they do not pay taxes, so that they maintain their monopolies and so that they have “partisan interests.”

“They know that I am referring to an attitude that is completely immoral, that does not help clean up corruption in the country,” he said.

The INE is set to approve on Friday the distribution of plurinomal deputies and senators, elected by proportional representation, with which the three ruling parties would together obtain 75% of the total seats, despite winning 54% of the votes, according to the opposition.

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#López #Obrador #accuses #Business #Coordinating #Council #Constitution #violated
2024-08-22 19:51:14



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