Looks like a “dragon bone”? NASA detects strange structure on Mars that causes a stir on the Internet

The discoveries made beyond our planet are usually of interest to users of social networks. And this time was no exception, since a photography of mars He demonstrated a particular finding.

As reported by the Mirror, the NASA discovered strange structures resembling “bone of a dragon“. The images were captured by the Mars Curiosity Rover and seem to protrude from the surface of the “red planet”.

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The details of the find

These findings were made on April 1 and instantly generated a debate on social networks, since some were inclined towards somewhat fantastic options, such as that it was a creature similar to a dragon or also fish bone fossils.

At the same time, there are other, more realistic, hypotheses that indicate the possibility that martian winds they could have eroded the rocks for a long time, that’s why they took that shape.

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What did an expert say?

The astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrolwho has been researching the “red planet” for years, was emphatic in pointing out that “In 20 years of studying Mars, that’s the strangest rock I’ve ever seen.“.

Likewise, the expert stressed that “I can’t wait to have a microscopic image of it.”


Other users of social networks joined the debate and thought that it could be a fish vertebra, fish fossils and even the skeleton of a prehistoric creature.

It should be noted that Curiosity is a rover that is the size of an ordinary vehicle, and that in recent times has been exploring the Gale crater on Mars, within the framework of the mission NASA Mars Science Laboratory.

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