Looking for Carlos Ghosn: The Rise and Fall of a Controversial Businessman

2023-08-20 16:47:23

Apple TV+ is about to unveil a new four-episode documentary that traces the tumultuous career and dramatic fall of Carlos Ghosn, the former head of Renault-Nissan.

But what particularly draws attention is the reversal of Michael Taylor, the former US serviceman who orchestrated Ghosn’s Hollywood escape from Japan, and who now poses as an accuser.

« Looking for Carlos Ghosn“, directed by James Jones, draws on the investigations of the Wall Street Journal to paint a detailed picture of the rise and fall of Ghosn. The documentary meticulously examines the incredible circumstances of his escape from Japan, where he was being held on allegations of financial malfeasance. Taylor, along with his son David, had played a crucial role in the escape, which saw Ghosn escape, hidden in a musical instrument box, aboard a private jet.

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If the case was widely publicized, the consequences for those who helped Ghosn were not trivial. Taylor and her son served time in prison for their role in that escape. For Taylor, the detention in Japan was traumatic, much more, according to him, than what Ghosn himself experienced. ” Carlos’ time in prison was a joke compared to what we went through.é,” Taylor confides in the documentary.

And that’s not all. Taylor now accuses Ghosn of failing to properly reward him for the risk taken. Claiming to have spent a million dollars out of his own pocket to cover legal costs, he warns Ghosn: “ I am a good friend, but I can also be a great enemy. The story is far from over« .

Ghosn, meanwhile, is portrayed as a controversial figure in the documentary. From his extravagant party at the Palace of Versailles to accusations of money laundering passing through Oman, the Franco-Brazilian-Lebanese businessman is in the limelight. Former collaborators and figures like Louis Schweitzer and Arnaud Montebourg testify to Ghosn’s transformation, suggesting that he may have lost all sense of reality.

If the documentary promises to further enlighten the public on this complex affair, one thing is certain: Carlos Ghosn remains a hot topic. While he is currently shielded from trial in Japan, the sword of Damocles of legal action continues to hang over him in France.

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