Long-term Nausea and Loss of Appetite: Colorectal Cancer Warning Signs and Diagnosis

2024-01-21 00:22:30

Long-term nausea may be a sign of colorectal cancer! A 60-year-old woman in Taiwan suffered from long-term nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. She sought medical treatment twice and had gastroscopy twice in the past six months. After taking prescribed gastric medicine, there was still no significant improvement, and her condition even worsened. She later sought medical treatment at a gastrointestinal specialist clinic and was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, which had spread to her liver.

Additional screenings at the same scene:

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Dr. Zhan Yixue from the Department of Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology in Taiwan recently visitedFacebookThe page shared the above case, saying that the 60-year-old female victim had undergone two gastroscopy examinations within six months. The first time she was told by the doctor that it was superficial gastritis; the second time she was told by the doctor that it was indigestion and there were a lot of gastric ulcers in her stomach. Undigested food. Unexpectedly, she was prescribed stomach medicine for more than half a year, but her condition did not improve, and even worsened. Not only was her appetite getting worse, but she also kept losing weight.

The female victim later went to Dr. Zhan Yixue’s clinic for help, and Dr. Zhan Yixue arranged for her to undergo abdominal ultrasound, gastroscopy, and colonoscopy again. It was found that the female victim suffered from colorectal cancer, and the tumor had spread to the liver. The gastritis symptoms that the female victim had been experiencing turned out to be caused by the compression of the front wall of the stomach by a suspected liver tumor. There were also multiple liver tumors on both sides of the liver, which were suspected to be metastatic tumors. He then hurriedly arranged for the female victim to undergo biopsy and treatment for colon tumors.

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Zhan Yixue said that there are many reasons for nausea and vomiting in the body, such as gastrointestinal problems, problems with other organs in the abdominal cavity, balance problems, drug side effects, food poisoning, etc. The symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases are ever-changing. Once there is a problem, patients need the professional help of a doctor Clinical assessment and diagnosis. If there is no improvement after treatment, be sure to discuss it with your doctor to see if further examination is needed.

Dr. Zhan breaks down the 7 major symptoms of colorectal cancer:

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Colorectal cancer is the second most common and fatal cancer in Hong Kong

According to the cancer statistics of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, there were 5,087 new cases of colorectal cancer in Hong Kong in 2020, accounting for 14.9% of the new cases throughout the year, and a total of 2,287 death cases, accounting for 15.4%, ranking second in Hong Kong. Common and deadly cancers. Liu Zhuoling, a surgical specialist, said that colorectal cancer is a cancer caused by abnormal growth of cells in the colon or rectum. Colorectal polyps, such as adenomatous polyps, will become cancerous if not removed in time. Early colorectal cancer may not have any symptoms, and other common Symptoms include bloody stools or large amounts of mucus, changes in bowel habits such as loose stools or constipation, and unexplained weight loss.

Liu Yuzhi, a specialist in gastrointestinal surgery, said that colorectal cancer has a younger trend in Asia, and the number of colorectal cancer patients under the age of 50 is increasing. Research from the Chinese University of Hong Kong also shows that the number of colon cancer patients under the age of 55 in Hong Kong increases by 1.7% every year. He believes that this is related to the Obesity is related, so the international recommendation is that the age for colorectal cancer screening should be lowered from 50 to 45.

Here are 5 ways to prevent colorectal cancer:

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The content has been “Dr. Zhan Yixue, Department of Hepatobiliary and Gastroenterology“Reprinted with permission.

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Cancer warning | Long-term nausea and loss of appetite, a woman who had 2 gastroscopy tests and was mistaken for indigestion sought medical treatment and was diagnosed with colorectal cancer | Attached are the 5 major signs of colorectal cancer – Qingbao – Health – Healthy Lifestyle – D240121

Cancer warning | Long-term nausea and loss of appetite, a woman who was diagnosed with colorectal cancer after two gastroscopy tests and was mistaken for indigestion sought medical advice | Attached are the 5 major signs of colorectal cancer – Qingbao – Health – Living Healthy

Long-term nausea may be a sign of colorectal cancer! A 60-year-old woman in Taiwan suffered from long-term nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. She sought medical treatment twice and had gastroscopy twice in the past six months. After taking prescribed gastric medicine, there was still no significant improvement, and her condition even worsened.She later sought medical treatment at a gastrointestinal specialist clinic and was confirmed to have colorectal cancer, which had already expanded.

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health problems, indigestion, surgery, gastritis, treatment, cancer, Taiwan, colorectal cancer

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Colorectal Cancer Doctor Zhan Yixue Symptoms Below Gastroscopy Gastroenterology Specialist Hepatobiliary Tumors Gastrointestinal Problems Surgery Taiwan Colorectal Patients Rectal Cells Female Host Clinic Cancer Liver Effects Colon Special Page Above Cases Organ Drug Side Effects


Cancer warning – long-term nausea and loss of appetite – two gastroscopy tests were taken as indigestion – woman seeks medical advice to reveal colorectal cancer – 5 major signs of colorectal cancer

#Cancer #warning #Longterm #nausea #loss #appetite #woman #diagnosed #colorectal #cancer #gastroscopy #tests #mistaken #indigestion #sought #medical #advice #Attached #major #signs #colorectal #cancer #Qingbao #Health #Living #Healthy

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