Long-Term Impact of Covid-19 on Quality of Life: Study Highlights Disparity Among Different Communities

2023-07-06 09:56:58

“By understanding how the virus affects different communities, we can work to develop targeted interventions”

A new study by researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel has shed light on the long-term impact of Covid-19 on the quality of life of people in the country. The study highlights a significant gap between Arabs, Druze, and Jews, with the first two groups experiencing a steeper decline in quality of life one year following the pandemic.

Researchers regularly followed people infected with the coronavirus to assess various aspects of their health. The findings, published in the International Journal of Public Health, demonstrate that the disparity in quality of life between ethnic groups remained, even following accounting for socioeconomic differences.

AFP / AHMAD GHARABLI Israeli Arabs perform Friday prayers

“We embarked on this study to examine the long-term effects of Covid-19 on minority groups in Israel given the existing health inequalities in the country,” says the study’s lead author, Professor Michael Edelstein of the Azrieli School of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University. Well-being was assessed using the EQ-5D quality of life instrument measuring five dimensions: mobility, self-care, activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. “Our results revealed that, while pre-Covid-19 quality of life among Jews, Arabs, and Druze in our study was initially comparable, at 12 months post-infection, Arab and Druze participants showed reported an 11% lower quality of life for Jews,” Edelstein adds.

Ariel Zandberg Michael Gem

Research suggests that certain populations may be more susceptible to long-term symptoms and reduced quality of life, exacerbating pre-existing health disparities. These findings not only have implications for Israel, but also provide valuable information for global efforts to address the long-term consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The importance of our research lies in the ability to shed light on the continued impact of the coronavirus, even as the disease transitions from a public health emergency to a persistent health problem,” Professor Edelstein points out. “By understanding how the virus affects different communities, we can work to develop targeted interventions and support systems to mitigate long-term effects on quality of life.”

Dr Jelte Elsinga, of University Medical Center Amsterdam in the Netherlands, led the analysis which was partially funded by a donation from the Harvey Goodstein Charitable Foundation.

#IsraelCoronavirus #Arabs #Druze #report #greater #decline #quality #life #Jews



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