Long shot, harakiri is reality. And now it’s all against Schlein –

Mira Brunello

Ultimately it is the same story, genius and perversion, numbers and ability that Matteo Renzi possesses in abundance. Together with the intuition that allows him to beat everyone to the punch and the constant underestimation of the risks that may loom on the street. It went like that this time too. For more than a year, the former Prime Minister has attempted to erode the Democratic Party’s consensus, to strengthen his centrist lifeboat. He said: «Elly Schlein’s party is no longer the Nazarene that I frequented». The percentages, however, have not moved, the “mother” house has not collapsed as prophesied, most recently also in the recent administrative elections in Florence, his city. In short, an unsustainable situation for a multifaceted leader, a nightmare for a Tuscan boy who grew up with the myth of Eric Cantona’s total football, anything but irrelevance. The right time to unleash another stroke of genius. Which, as always, surprises everyone.

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The story is well known: in mid-July, the leader of Italia Viva announced the U-turn. “I choose the broad field, I’m with Elly Schlein”, and with her usual mastery, just when the secretary of the Democratic Party spends her highly armored holidays , occupies the television screens, in three weeks he becomes the federation of the center left. From that point of view, a summer of “St. Martin”, because the “comrades” are not that happy at the idea of ​​having him around again. Plus, of course, there is Giuseppe Conte, someone who swore it to him. To get into the head of Rignano’s “King Eric”, you must always keep in mind that he usually plays on at least three different tables. Just as there are many scenarios that can be useful to him. One has been evident for a few days: Matteo Renzi enters the wide field and the alliance falls apart. Giving him again the opportunity to play a role he adores: the martyr who sacrifices himself, persecuted by the bad guy of the moment, the leader of the M5S who “forced” him to surrender in Liguria. The explosion of the wide field offers the founder of Italia viva two other options.

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The first is to distance the 5 stars from the alliance, the Florentine would only have accelerated an already written ending, making the contradictions that persisted explode all together. Conte’s exit from the scene would inevitably put even the most stubborn of vetoes in the attic and Elly would be forced to become the official “partner” of her inspiration in the match of her heart. An unfortunate result for the secretary of the Democratic Party, but not for the former mayor of Florence, who would have an easy time demanding higher percentages for the “lists” in the 2027 elections. For Renzi, paradoxically, the opposite result would also be fine: Conte remains anchored to the Nazarene, the vetoes against Italia Viva resist. In that case the third-party “martyr” would return to the scene, who would have been center-left, but the center-left didn’t want him. Political fantasy? Maybe, in reality with the former Prime Minister everything is possible. The only certainty is that as soon as an opening opens up, even in a direction opposite to the one pursued to date, he will be the first to follow it. Like the legendary Manchester striker, where there is a door, he tries to violate it. At the cost of scoring an own goal.

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#Long #shot #harakiri #reality #Schlein #Tempo
2024-09-29 19:03:36



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