Long live the brides!: Manuela Moreno, actress of “Power Games” and granddaughter of Tito Noguera got married

Manuela Moreno, recognized for her performance as Florencia Beltrán in the teleserie Juegos de Poder, surprised her followers by marrying her partner

It was the actress Antonia Giesen who showed this important milestone that her friend experienced through her social networks.

Giesen used his Instagram account, where he portrayed a tender photograph where Moreno is seen with his wife, the singer Fran Straube.

In the postcard, the newlyweds are posing in a white dress and the turtledoves are breaking the wedding cake.

“Last Friday my best friend Manuela Moreno got married, and how getting married has a certain scenic enjoyment, and to the extent that others see it and decode it as such, the thing exists,” he began by saying.

“It urges me to tell you that I am infinitely happy with this loving encounter. That they are tremendous companions and that I wish them the best on earth in their new home. That I just think that there is another house in another part of the world to visit and that they will only have more experiences and great things to teach us, ”she said in the tender letter.

He also dedicated some special words to his best friend’s wife. “Grateful that it is you who accompanies and who loves my beautiful friend Manuela, comadre and family. Once again, I repeat to you what I read to you at another time; Beltrán has a great family. Referents of vitality, creativity and a lot of sweetness, ”she said.

“Long live your coquetry, your love and your companionship. . And here I am always, ”she expressed.

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