Long jumper Petra Bánhidi-Farkas did not make it to the finals

The 26-year-old athlete started the morning qualifier encouragingly with a jump of 6.40 meters.

Image source: MTI

He started well, but in the end he couldn’t make it to the final Bánhidi-Farkas Petra from the women’s long jump qualifying round at the Paris Olympics on Tuesday, the MTI correspondent reported, Peter Csorba From Paris.

The BHSE jumper fought hard for Olympic participation, securing the quota practically at the last moment at the national championships at the end of June, with the gold medal won with his last jump. Thanks to this, he just made it into the field of 31 people on the qualification ranking list – reports the portal.

The 26-year-old athlete started the morning qualifier encouragingly with a jump of 6.40 meters, which was far from the qualifying level of 6.75, but you could trust that he could improve. In the next series, he fell short of this, reaching 6.33 meters, and in the third and last round he reached 6.22 meters. Thus, he jumped to the first place with 6.40, finishing 11th in his group and 21st overall. This time, 6.59 meters was needed for the final.

“The first jump can be said to be a relatively good jump, and I was confident that it would be possible to improve it, because there were technical errors, but somehow it didn’t work out. The end of the other two jumps was a bit missed, and the wind was a bit swirling. the anemometer measured a tailwind, but during the first part of the run the headwind was relatively strong, so it was difficult to calculate where it would be good to start from,” he told M4 Sport Bánhidi-Farkas Petrathen added that it was a fantastic experience to be there at the Olympics after such a long and difficult qualification.

It is interesting that the winner of last year’s World Championship in Budapest is a Serb who has been injured for months this year Ivana Spanovic With his best result of 6.51 meters this year, he also missed the final, adds MTI.



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