Lombardy Region, socio-health plan: controversy over waiting lists and cuts to emergency rooms

Here are the most critical points. Among the most delicate notes is that of attestation list, for which a short paragraph is reserved. There is no mention of how to reduce them through new regional resources, or when and how a single digital agenda will be created with a single contact center – the so-called regional Cup -, but rather it is underlined how double bookings by patients clog up the lists waiting. There are people who get themselves included in multiple lists – probably in doubt of not having immediate, certain answers – but then don’t cancel the reservation as it is no longer needed. This, the plan underlines, has affected the lists by 25% in 2022. For Bertolaso, a sanction for citizens who engage in these behaviors. Speaking of waiting lists, it is explained that 80% of services are performed within the threshold, but that in dermatology and ophthalmology the times are still too long.

Another delicate element. In the chapter dedicated toEmergency-urgencywe talk about “rationalize emergency room networks enhancing the role of the individual structure within a qualified hospital network”. A phrase that clearly suggests a cut of the smaller PSs in favor of the better known ones. The investments for the construction of new structures are also remembered: the new hospital in Busto Arsizio and Gallarate; the new Milan Polyclinic (which the structure finances itself with its own real estate funds) and the redevelopment of the Buzzi pediatric hospital in Milan.

The theme of prevention was also mentioned: more safety in the workplace, more sport, widespread vaccination, appropriate lifestyle. As far as counseling centers are concerned, there is talk of “promoting access”, encouraging above all their activity to “help parenting”.

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We once again talk about the taking care of the patient by general practitioners and therefore the need to have a greater presence in the area. However, the relationship between public and private is largely absent from the document. At this point the plan could be reviewed in the Welfare commission, through a series of hearings aimed at enriching the text; or it could go through the ordinary process in the Regional Council, where it could be subjected to a series of amendments.

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To remember while in Lombardy (photo) Thanks to the Pnrr, 92 community homes (out of 216) and 17 community hospitals (out of 71) were created, partly followed by doctors already working in other structures. The question of healthcare personnel arises for the future, as is the case throughout Italy.

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2024-03-19 17:47:38

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