Lollobrigida Breathes New Life into the Ministry’s Apiary: A Fresh Chapter for Biodiversity Preservation

An attack by wasps and hornets had caused the extermination of the bees in the hive composed of three hives and set up on the Roman terrace of the Mesaf headquarters. “It’s true, unfortunately the bees did not survive”, commented the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Francesco Lollobrigida on social media, “but the death of bees is a cyclical and natural phenomenon, which can occur for many reasons. We cannot expect that a project, even a valid one like this, is immune to the laws of nature”. Now the pollinators “are returning to the roof of the Ministry contributing to the city’s biodiversity”, announced the minister.

The 50,000 bees of Lollobrigida's hive at the Ministry of Agriculture have been exterminated

“I thank Fai, the Italian Federation of Beekeepers for their support,” Lollobrigida said in a video posted on his Facebook profile showing him with Fai President Raffaele Cirone. “Since dawn this morning, with the president of Fai, we are bringing the hive back to life. This extraordinary apiary has come back to life today,” the minister continued. “This is not a problem for the Ministry of Agriculture’s hives but for Italian and European beekeepers. The bees must be reintegrated. We will begin a process of gradual experimentation with defense and trapping systems,” Cirone explained. “No chemicals, but traps that attract hornets and destroy them.” “We will work for this, to protect our bees,” the Minister of Agriculture assured. “We will not give up. In the face of difficulties, we must be able to find a solution and move forward. Our biodiversity must be protected.”

#Lollobrigida #ministrys #apiary #life #ready #defend #biodiversity #Tempo
2024-09-12 18:58:28

Here are some “People Also Ask” (PAA) related​ questions for the title **”The Ancient‌ Roots of ⁤Beekeeping in Rome and Its Modern-Day Significance”**:

The⁣ Ancient Roots of Beekeeping in Rome ⁤and Its Modern-Day Significance

Beekeeping has a rich history that dates back thousands of years,‍ with ancient civilizations like the⁢ Romans ⁣playing a significant role in its development. In recent times, beekeeping has gained importance due to the⁤ declining bee population and its impact on the environment. This article will ‌delve into the history of⁤ beekeeping in ancient Rome, its significance in modern times, and the efforts being made to preserve ⁤this⁤ vital aspect‌ of our ecosystem.

Beekeeping in Ancient Rome

The ancient Romans were ⁣known ⁣for their innovative approaches to agriculture, and beekeeping was⁣ no exception. According to [1], the Romans emphasized the need to grow honey ‌plants, clean hives, ​feed bees at certain times, ​and ⁣protect them from natural enemies like frogs, swallows, and snakes. This attention to detail and care for the bees reflects the importance they placed on beekeeping as a means of producing honey and wax.

The concept⁢ of collective​ activity and industry, introduced by Aristotle in the 4th‍ century BC, was also associated with bees in‌ ancient Rome [3]. This ideology highlights the bees’ ⁣social structure and their ability to work together for the benefit of the hive.

Bee Folklore and Mythology

Bee folklore and mythology have been an integral part of many ancient cultures, including the Celts,⁤ English, Romans, Greeks, and ancient Egyptians [2]. These⁢ stories and ‌legends⁢ surrounding bees have been passed down through‌ generations, often symbolizing industry, community, and the importance of ​nature.

Modern-Day Significance and ⁤Challenges

In modern times, beekeeping has taken​ on a new level of importance due to‍ the decline of bee populations worldwide.​ This decline has been attributed to various factors, including ⁢habitat⁤ loss, climate change, and the use of pesticides.

The recent incident at the Ministry ​of Agriculture in Rome, where an attack by wasps and hornets⁢ led to‌ the extermination of‌ 50,000 bees, highlights the challenges faced ‍by beekeepers today. ⁤However, ‌the response ‌to this incident, which included reintroducing bees to⁤ the hives​ and ‌implementing defense systems to protect them, demonstrates⁤ the‌ commitment to preserving⁣ bee⁤ populations.

Preserving Bee Populations and the Environment

The⁣ efforts ‍to preserve bee populations⁣ are not limited to Italy alone. Across the globe, beekeepers, researchers, ‌and environmentalists are working together to address the challenges faced by bees. This includes the​ implementation of sustainable⁣ beekeeping‍ practices,‌ the creation of bee-friendly habitats, and the development of innovative solutions to protect bees from natural enemies and environmental factors.

the history of beekeeping in ancient Rome serves ‌as a ⁢reminder of the importance of this practice and its ​relevance in modern ⁤times. As we⁤ face the challenges⁣ of ⁤a declining bee population, it is essential that we learn from the past and work together to preserve this vital aspect of our ecosystem.





Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title *The Ancient Roots of Beekeeping in Rome and Its Modern-Day Significance*:

The Ancient Roots of Beekeeping in Rome and Its Modern-Day Significance

Beekeeping has a rich history in Rome, dating back thousands of years. The ancient Romans valued bees for their honey and wax, and beekeeping was an important part of their agricultural practices. Today, beekeeping in Rome and its surrounding regions continues to thrive, with many beekeepers working to preserve traditional methods while also adopting modern techniques to protect these vital pollinators.

The Importance of Bees in Modern-Day Rome

Bees play a crucial role in Rome’s ecosystem, pollinating crops and flowers, and contributing to the city’s biodiversity. However, bees are facing numerous threats, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. The recent attack on the Ministry of Agriculture’s apiary by wasps and hornets, resulting in the extermination of 50,000 bees, highlights the importance of protecting these valuable pollinators.

Efforts to Protect Rome’s Bees

In response to the attack, the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, Francesco Lollobrigida, has vowed to take action to protect Rome’s bees. Together with the Italian Federation of Beekeepers, the Ministry is working to reintroduce bees to the apiary and develop defense and trapping systems to prevent future attacks.

Sustainable Honey Production in Europe

Beyond Rome, beekeeping is an important industry in Europe, with many countries producing high-quality honey. A recent research network has focused on sustainable honey production in Europe, exploring ways to promote environmentally friendly beekeeping practices while also supporting local economies [[[3]].

The Threats Facing Bees in Europe

However, bees in Europe are facing numerous threats, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. The French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) is conducting research on the stress factors affecting bees and proposing scientific and regulatory solutions to protect their health [[[2]].


Beekeeping in Rome and beyond is an ancient practice that continues to play a vital role in modern-day agriculture. However, bees are facing numerous threats, and it is essential that we take action to protect these valuable pollinators. By supporting sustainable beekeeping practices, promoting environmentally friendly policies, and conducting research into the threats facing bees, we can work towards a future where bees continue to thrive in Rome and around the world.

People Also Ask

What is the history of beekeeping in Rome?

How do bees contribute to Rome’s ecosystem?

What are the threats facing bees in Rome and Europe?

What efforts are being made to protect Rome’s bees?

* How can I support sustainable beekeeping practices in Rome and beyond?



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