Lok Yiling said that Li Jiaxin still had a long-term contract with TVB and suddenly choked up: We will not give birth to him – Qing Bao – Entertainment – China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

2023-11-21 15:35:41

TVB held the “Long-term Service and Outstanding Employee Honor Award Ceremony 2023” today (21st) to present awards to 229 TVB staff and artists as a thank you. Senior executives Lok Yi-ling and Wu Xingmei both received 20-year gold medals. When the two were interviewed They all shed emotional tears. Talking about Li Jiaxin (Ali) who was cast aside and was even more banned on the night of the Taiwan celebration, Ms. Le said that Ali still has a long contract and she will find ways to give Ali more opportunities.

Additional screening at the same scene: Thousands of Stars Celebrate the Taiwan Celebration | “Dong Zhang” Goddess Gu shows her breasts and legs to grab the limelight of Hua Dan. Hong Yongcheng suspects that there is a happy event in his family and he will become an old man.

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Ms. Le, producer Wen Weihong, as well as artists Wu Xingmei, Cai Guoqing, Zhang Yanbo, Jiao Haoxuan, Zhang Yiwen, Ji Pingping, Liu Peiyue, Liu Wenxin, Peng Di’an, Pan Zhiwen, Cai Sibei, Tan Kaiqi, etc., all received the award today. Yao Ziling, whose birthday is today, rushed back to TV City from the Shenzhen crew to attend the event. He was so anxious that he could only show up in sportswear. The staff at the scene sent a birthday song to Zi Ling, which moved her deeply.

Ms. Le said with a smile that she thought she was here to present the award at first, but she didn’t know that she would be a part of it. She suddenly choked up with emotion and her eyes became wet. She praised her colleagues for their hard work and love for the company. She also praised the artists for being “awesome”: “Sometimes, they would not even look at the ‘additional supervision (additional signing of the contract)’ as soon as I handed it over.” (Just signing the contract), let’s fight together.”

Thousands of Stars Congratulate Taiwan Celebration丨Guo Peiwen’s low-cut evening dress is revealed and reused by TVB? Comparing with last year’s Taiwan celebration female artist, she shocked her figure and won the match【Next page】

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Did Miss Le please comfort Li Jiaxin (Ali)? She said: “I think he (Ali) will understand a lot of things, and he knows how much we like him. In fact, I made an appointment with him to sit down, read verses, and eat in a few days, but he is traveling with his family members, etc. He is slowly coming back. He is a good artist, really good. I will try my best to find ways to continue to have more cooperation opportunities with him. He also has a good contract, and I will not let him. “

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Wu Xingmei, who was present at the scene, laughed and said that she grew up in the TVB greenhouse: “I entered the industry by mistake. My belief in entering the industry is to give my best to everything. I think my greatest advantage is hard work. There is nothing else in the beginning.” She is such a quick person, she started from the lowest level in filming, supporting roles, and hosting. She wrote her own articles and worked as a foreign reporter. She accumulated experience step by step. Today, 20 years later, she has realized her dream.” Xingmei exclaimed emotionally: “I don’t know myself. Whether I am doing well or not, I will try my best to do my best. I hope the audience can see that when I carry the ten-year card, I hope to be the emcee of the big show in 10 years. Today I finally did it. This dream factory system A place where dreams come true.”

The most honest body丨Li Jiaxin suffered from abdominal tear and pain and revealed a 13cm giant tumor in her ovary. She thought she had a small belly: she felt a bulge when she touched it[Next page]

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Interview: Huang Xiaoyan

Photography: Ma Junjie

Written by: Entertainment Group

#Lok #Yiling #Jiaxin #longterm #contract #TVB #suddenly #choked #give #birth #Qing #Bao #Entertainment #China #Hong #Kong #Taiwan

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