Log My World: Flight enthusiasts start new digital flight logbook

What to do if there is no suitable product? You build one yourself. That’s what two flight fans did and created a new online logbook for flights.

There are some digital logbooks for flights on the internet. ‘They’re all very good. But none of them really satisfied us,” says Benedikt Escher. Many are hopelessly outdated, others are visually unattractive and others are completely overloaded and therefore user-unfriendly. “First we tried to give the one big provider tips for improvement,” says the aviation fan. “But the feedback was not implemented.”

The disappointment gave Escher and his colleague Axel Schauenburg the idea of ​​creating a better product of their own that would cover all their needs. “We sketched the first ideas at the kitchen table,” he says. “Our core goals were simple, beautiful, flexible and largely automated,” says Escher.

First version was unsatisfactory

And at some point they decided to actually make their own online flight log from the sketches. That was two and a half years ago. “Because we both work full-time, things took a little longer for us,” says Escher.

They had the first clickable raw prototype tested by a few friends. “We then quickly realized that some things weren’t working the way we had imagined,” says Escher. Therefore, the flight fans, who have both flown more than 1000 times, planned once more from scratch.

Invested a lot of your own money

And they hired programmers in Ukraine and really got going. A year later and following investing their own savings, Escher and Schauenburg had the first really working version ready. “Now we invited 50 friends who are enthusiastic regarding flying to test them and give us feedback,” says Escher.

And the two friends, who work full-time at an airline and at an aviation consultancy, realized that their product was now ripe. After the final adjustments, they switched Log My World live. “The initial feedback is very positive and we are very pleased regarding that,” says Escher.

Extensive free version

The basic offer is free. “In the free version, we offer significantly more than the competition,” says Escher. There is also a world map in it, on which all completed flights are displayed, extensive statistics on routes flown, aircraft models, aircraft and airports visited. You can also attach a photo to the flight and create a custom field to capture more flight details. And switching from another provider is easy thanks to the import function.

There is also a paid premium version for 20 euros per year. Among other things, it offers more detailed statistics, more information such as information on the age of the aircraft, notification functions, more photo and video options or, thanks to the interface to Radarbox, a simpler, largely automatic recording of flights. In addition, it allows for significantly greater customization.

Income goes to improvements

Earning money with Log My World is not at the top of the list of priorities for the two flight logbook founders. “We will initially invest all the proceeds to make our product even better,” says Escher. “After all, we too only want the best flight log for the flights we have completed.”

In the picture gallery above you can see some statistics that Log My World offers.

With the Code ATLMW2022 aeroTELEGRAPH readers receive a 50 percent discount for twelve months LogMy.World Premium with exciting additional functions. (valid until August 21)



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