Local taxes up in Peymeinade in 2023

2023-04-18 09:45:00

The opposition trio during the council…

Like many surrounding municipalities, Peymeinade has decided to activate the “tax” lever to increase its revenue and cope with inflation, as well as the weight of the charges on its original 2023 budget.

Within a fairly apathetic municipal council, it must be admitted, where the opposition was embodied by three elected officials (with two delegations), the municipal majority of Philippe Sainte-Rose Fanchine voted in favor of an increase in the rate of taxation.

The property tax therefore increases by three points to 24.46% on buildings, and 51% on non-built areas.

The housing tax on second homes, it takes a point to settle at 14.29%.

“The municipal rates have remained unchanged since 2011, but with the investment needs of our municipality, it was no longer possible to remain with such low rates, justifies the municipal finance assistant Pierre Fauret. That said, with regard to comparable municipalities, such as Pégomas or La Roquette, we remain below. (1)

Secondary residences at 60% in 2024

Note that from 1 January 2024, the effort required of those who stay less than six months a year in Peymeinade will be substantial since the rate of housing tax for second homes will amount to 60% (this increase on furnished accommodation not assigned to the main residence was 50% since 2017).

A new increase which challenges Didier Moutté, in the ranks of the opposition: “60%, still it’s a significant increase…it risks scaring away some people who want to stay in the town.”

With his running mate, 5 voices therefore spoke out against all these new tax rates.

Be that as it may, with more than €6.5 million in local tax revenue expected, the initial budget for 2023 stands at €9.35 million for its operation (up from 2022) and €4.33 million for investments (including more than €2 million in equipment expenditure).

No further borrowing

The repayment of the debt amounts to 405,300 euros“the municipality continues to deleverage and has not had recourse to borrowing again since 2020”specifies Pierre Fauret, who considers presenting a “sincere and prudent budget in a difficult economic climate, with the constitution of a small reserve to face unforeseen expenses”.

In opposition, Eric Vidal nevertheless notes that in 2022, the municipality was able to garner revenue thanks to the sale of three real estate assets, “but I don’t think you’re going to sell something every year”.

And five votes to vote again against the budget adopted by the majority of Philippe Sainte-Rose Francine.

1. In Pégomas, buildings are taxed at 29.95%, but non-buildings at 43.17%. The housing tax on second homes is 18.41%.

Investments to reduce energy consumption

Municipal deputy for sustainable development and works, Marc Bazalgette specified that more than 430,000 euros will be invested in roads, in particular to create a pedestrian path on Avenue Général-de-Gaulle, modify the direction of traffic and create parking. More than €210,000 will also be devoted to repairing the roadway and asphalt on Allée Henri-Matisse and Avenue du Docteur-Belletrud. “Each year, the municipality makes a permanent effort to improve access for pedestrians, cyclists and people with reduced mobility.”

Peymeinade is investing to reduce its energy bill in the long term: 1.1 M of work over three years are linked to the global performance market (a joint order with CAPEG). The objective is to reduce total energy consumption by 25% from 2022 to 2030. The lighting network continues to be modernized (energy-intensive bulbs are replaced by LEDs), 11,000 light points are concerned: “We hope to reduce our bills by 12% in addition to the 50% saved by switching off the night lighting.”

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Wired schools

Schools (notably Saint-Exupéry) will benefit from €183,000 worth of equipment (roof sealing, wiring for digital classrooms).

The sports and leisure facilities have an allocation of 550,000 e, including 300,000 e for the second central kitchen and 250,000 e for the cultural centre. 132,000 e are allocated to municipal buildings (upgrading of air conditioning in the town hall, installation of false ceilings, lighting, etc.). 92,000 e will make it possible to secure the church tower, and 20,000 euros are intended for land acquisitions.

The opposition voted against.


By target agreement (for annual subsidies over €23,000): €48,000 are paid to the Cercle Athlétique Peymeinade Football; €173,000 to the CCAS and €28,500 to the Staff Welfare Committee.

In the amount of €56,650 (including €8,900 on an exceptional basis), the other 2023 subsidies, down 10%, were voted unanimously as follows: Festival Committee: €5,500; Türkiye-Syria assistance fund: e8,400; National Union of Combatants: 1200 e; Amicale des pays de Cannes of flag bearers: 200 e; French souvenir: 1200 e; UNP Paratrooper: 200 e; Special Forces Memories: 400th; DDEN Grasse Val de Siagne: 100e; Peimenado: 500th; Choir Arioso de Peymeinade: 400th; Window on courtyard: 400 e; Saint-Jean Cassien Festival: 400th; Tribal Roch: €13,000; Cine-photo-club of Peymeinade: €450; CAP cycling: 8500; Mom Peymeinade Volleyball: €5,000; Pays de Grasse Handball: €2,000; The Azuréenne for adapted sports: €500; Azur Auto Sport Florian Baral: 800th; JALMAV: 200th; APF: 200e; Mutual aid: 2000 e; Water lily seeds: 500 e; Municipal hunting association: €400; CCFF: 1000e; Mercantour Cats: €1,500; Protection of the Canal de la Siagne: 500 e; Sea and mountain nature adventure: €500; Civil protection: 200 e.

Questions answers

Patricia DiSanto: “The name of Samuel Paty was to be given to a public place. Two years later, has your reflection succeeded?” Michel Dissaux: “The college roundabout has been so named since September 28, 2022.”

Joseph Mattioli: “Why is there no obligation to clear brush in the red zone?” Michel Dissot: “The clearing is mandatory in areas exposed to fires, 100m from the house in the red zone, 50m in the blue zone.”

Sophie Percheron: “What is the share of municipal expenditure in the grouping of CAPEG orders?” “€330,000.”

Eric Vidal: “When will the payment by credit card for the contribution to the music school be put in place?” Pierre Fauret: “It is planned for this year.”

Didier Moutte: “Will the future Gamm vert have a negative impact on parking lots?” Jean-Luc François: “In the permit, 11 places are provided inside the store. This establishment should not be confused with a supermarket!”

#Local #taxes #Peymeinade

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