Local Leaders Celebrate Carolina Marín’s Retirement in Huelva as a Distinguished Honor

The Huelva City Council and the Delegation of the Andalusian Government in the province of Huelva have shown this Wednesday her “support” for the request made by the athlete Carolina Marín, who on Tuesday said that she would like the capital to host the 2026 European Badminton Championships, in the sports palace that bears her name, so that she can retire in her “home”. Thus, both administrations have indicated that It would be “an honour” if he retired in Huelva.

This is what the mayor of Huelva, Pilar Miranda, and the delegate of the Junta in Huelva, José Manuel Correa, have said in response to questions from journalists at their respective press conferences, in which the mayor of the capital has stressed that Carolina Marín “always carries Huelva as her flag” and that he was “very excited” by the athlete’s statements that her “dream” would be to retire in her homeland.

In this regard, Miranda has pointed out that she has been in contact with her this Wednesday and that the Councillor for Sports, María de la O Barroso, has also been in contact with the federation to begin discussions on the possible holding of this championship in the capital. “Of course, to show all our support because it would be a very important event for Huelva and I hope it is achieved and also to thank Carolina for fighting once again for her land,” stressed the mayor.

At this point, The mayor has revealed that she has been “in contact for some time” with Carolina Marín regarding “a project that will be announced when it is more mature”and the City Council offered to welcome her “in whatever way she wants” with “the widest possible participation, because she is a person much loved by all the people of Huelva and who always has Huelva as her banner.”

“That’s what we’ve been talking about, when she recovers, when she can be a little better, we’ll do it to continue talking about that project that I’ll announce when I’m more mature and, of course, All the support from the Huelva City Council for the celebration of this European Championship 2026 and also with great enthusiasm, because it would bring a top-level sporting event to our land.“, he concluded.

For his part, José Manuel Correa has stated that the Junta “fully supports everything that comes to Andalusia” and “if it is to Huelva, then here we are, those of us who represent the Andalusian administration in the province to also support it, obviously”, as well as highlighting that for the Andalusian administration “It would be an honour to have Carolina Marín” and that “if she finally decides to retire, she should retire here in her city, in her land, and she should do it as she deserves”.

“After the achievements he has had during his long sporting career and how he has carried the Huelva flag wherever he has gone, the truth is that for us it would be an honour and a real privilege,” he concluded.

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Huelva City Council Supports Carolina Marín’s Vision for‌ 2026 European ⁣Badminton Championships

The vibrant municipality of Huelva, situated⁣ in⁣ the scenic region of Andalusia, is taking ⁤significant strides towards ⁤hosting a ‌monumental sporting event—the 2026 European Badminton Championships. ​This initiative has garnered enthusiastic support from both⁤ the Huelva City Council and the Andalusian Government Delegation, ⁤especially in ​light of the heartfelt⁢ request⁤ made ‌by renowned⁢ badminton athlete Carolina Marín. Marín expressed her desire to retire in her ​hometown while hosting the championships at the Palacio de‍ Deportes Carolina Marín, a‌ venue ⁣name ⁤that resonates deeply with her achievements and connection to the area.

Unwavering​ Support from⁢ Local ‍Authorities

During​ recent‍ press engagements, Pilar Miranda,‍ the Mayor​ of Huelva, and José ⁣Manuel Correa, the​ Andalucía⁤ Government delegate in the province, conveyed their⁤ strong ‌endorsement of ⁣Marín’s vision. Mayor Miranda remarked that it would be a profound ‍honor for Huelva ‌if Carolina Marín chose to retire there. She highlighted Marín’s unwavering commitment to⁤ her hometown, stating, “Carolina Marín ⁢always carries Huelva as her ⁣flag.” These sentiments⁢ reflect the community’s⁤ pride in its illustrious athlete, who ‍has been a beacon of inspiration ⁣for many.

The mayor further explained her ongoing‌ dialogue with Marín ⁢and the Huelva Sports Councillor, María de la ​O Barroso, regarding‍ the logistics of potentially ⁢hosting the championships. The administration⁢ is determined to⁣ back Marín and⁢ bring this dream to fruition, recognizing the immense benefits that such ‌an ​event would entail‍ for the​ local economy and community ‍spirit. “I ⁤hope ‍it is achieved,” ⁢ she ‍emphasized,​ “and also to ⁢thank⁣ Carolina for fighting once again for her land.”

Strategic Planning for Success

In their commitment to ⁤actualizing the EU championship, local authorities ⁣are already initiating communications‍ with the ​relevant sports federations. This proactive approach underscores their deep understanding of the organizational requirements needed for hosting ⁤prestigious tournaments. ‍Mayor Miranda shared her excitement about the prospects of⁣ this​ event, noting its ⁣potential to amplify‌ Huelva’s status‌ in the international sporting landscape.

Ongoing Collaborative Projects

In a⁢ revealing statement, Mayor ​Miranda also indicated she ⁢has been in touch with ​Marín regarding a separate⁣ project that will be disclosed when ‌fully developed. This further illustrates ⁣the ⁣strong ⁣relationship between ⁢the athlete and local⁢ government, as ⁣they work in tandem ⁢to enhance ‌the cultural‌ and ‍sporting fabric of Huelva. Such ‍initiatives aim to leverage Marín’s fame ⁤to foster increased participation and enthusiasm in local sports.

A Community United Behind Carolina Marín

Both municipal and state authorities have expressed their commitment to ensuring that⁤ any event involving Carolina​ Marín thoroughly symbolizes the local community’s love and‍ admiration ‍for her. José Manuel Correa underscored that the⁢ Junta of Andalucía⁤ is wholly ⁤supportive of‌ events that‍ come to the region, emphasizing,​ “If it is to Huelva, then we are fully supportive.” This⁣ unity underlines‌ the crucial role sports play in bringing communities together and enhancing local pride.

The Economic and‍ Cultural Impact of Hosting Events

Hosting the ⁤2026 European Badminton Championships ⁢would not only ‌honor Carolina ⁤Marín’s‍ legacy but would also bring significant⁢ economic‌ benefits to the region. Major sporting events fuel tourism, stimulate ‍local businesses, and inspire ⁣the​ next generation of athletes. Huelva,‌ with its robust sporting infrastructure and ⁢passionate community, is primed ⁤to deliver a remarkable championship experience.

The ‌Future of ‌Badminton ⁤and Community Engagement

As the discussion around the ‍2026 European Badminton Championships unfolds,​ it is vital for Huelva to ​rally⁤ around this⁢ initiative. Engaging the community through planning phases and inviting participation in various activities surrounding​ the event can cultivate a sense of ownership and bolster local⁢ pride. This event could serve as ⁣a model for​ future sporting ​endeavors, ​encouraging⁢ more events to be hosted ​in Huelva.


The‍ journey toward hosting the 2026 European Badminton Championships‍ is more than just a sporting event; it’s a homecoming for Carolina⁤ Marín—a celebration of‌ her illustrious⁣ career and a testament to the unwavering spirit of Huelva. With local authorities ⁣rallying their support, ⁢the dream of hosting this prestigious championship is within reach.‌ As the preparations gear ​up, Huelva stands ready to embrace a significant moment in its sporting history, united behind a champion who represents the heart and soul of the community.



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