Local examples stand out at the beginning of the 40-hour work law – La Discusión 2024-05-13 07:59:22

Local examples stand out at the beginning of the 40-hour work law – La Discusión
 2024-05-13 07:59:22

Highlighting the examples of the University of Concepción and Marina del Sol Chillán, the government celebrated the entry into force of the 40-hour Law, which, in its gradual implementation process, considers since yesterday the reduction of the working day from 45 to 44 weekly hours. Precisely, in Marina del Sol, the presidential delegate, Anwar Farrán, and the minister of Labor, Eduardo Riquelme, highlighted the benefits of the law.

Riquelme specified that in Ñuble more than 131 thousand workers benefited and stressed that this reduction cannot affect or reduce their salaries.

“With one more hour of rest it has made my family life easier and even thinking regarding having children,” said Giovanni Cea, a worker at the Marina del Sol Chillán company, which since January of this year applied the 40-hour work week to its 300 workers.

Julio Trujillo, general manager of Marina del Sol, explained that “it is obvious that the quality of work has to do with productivity and not with the number of hours that people are in person.” He added that “the quality of life of our staff results in the quality of care we offer to our clients. Therefore, for us, the implementation of the 40 hours was fundamental and we did not wait for gradualness and we did it all at once.”

Meanwhile, the regional presidential delegate emphasized that “this change meets a historic aspiration and will allow a better quality of life and well-being for workers and their families.”

For his part, the general director of the Chillán Campus of the UdeC, Dr. Pedro Rojas, explained that it was decided to directly reduce the 40 hours for 98% of its 2,000 workers. “This is not a coincidence and comes from the social outbreak, where a work table was established that pointed out the need to reduce the working day.” He added that the new way of working has meant that people “have more time for private life activities, with more friendly shifts, therefore, everything points to the reconciliation of work and family life and for that reason “It was very well received by the entire university community.”

The Seremi of Labor congratulated the anticipation that dozens of Ñublensinas companies have opted for, although he specified that the law considers that the gradualness continues in April 2026, when 42 hours will be reached. In April 2028, it will fully enter the regime, when the 40 hours are implemented.

“The good examples allow us to safely invite employers in the region to follow them, agree on reductions in hours with their workers and request the 40 Hour Seal from the Ministry,” he added.


From the Chamber of Commerce, meanwhile, its president, Alejandro Lama, explained that the adaptation of the days began a long time ago in numerous companies in the region and valued the reduction they have achieved by anticipating the law.

Likewise, he acknowledged that in numerous cases contract modifications have already been made to reduce one hour, as required by law, “where the agreement of the parties has prevailed, establishing a reduction in the daily working day, or, alternatively, one hour in a specific day.”

“For the commerce sector in general, it has not been very difficult, since since the social outbreak the hours of public service were shortened, however, in those production plants that operate 24 hours a day it has become a little more complicated” , summarized the union leader.

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