Local canteen, Belgian materials, solar energy: Yannick has adapted his park to be as eco-friendly as possible

Food or energy expenditure, even on vacation, we can continue to have green gestures.

In Belgium, eco-responsible establishments are popular. A label makes it possible to recognize these tourist places which respect the environment: the Green key, or “green key”.

The Greeny Key Label identifies all eco-responsible establishments in the world. In Belgium, there are 280. Water, waste, energy and food management are among the essential criteria for obtaining this label.

Some leisure sites have therefore already taken the step of eco-responsibility. In Wavre, at Adventure Park, “we try to have the minimum impact on nature”affirms Yannick Visart. “Whether it’s at the level of energy with solar panels or with a water recovery system, whether it’s at tree level with a modern anchoring system, the use of materials, in particular wood from the Ardennes… We offer nature activities in a magnificent setting that we try to preserve.”

“Being aware of the imprint we leave”

Another example in a hotel located in La Hulpe. In this establishment, at first glance, the rooms look like any hotel room. Except that here, the air conditioning stops automatically when you open the window, the lights are equipped with LEDs, and automatic shampoo and shower gel dispensers have been installed in the bathrooms.

Outside, 10 terminals have been installed to recharge electric cars, more than 1,067 solar panels supply the network, bicycle parking is available and local products are preferred. “At the end of the year, this allows us to save a significant amount of plastic compared to the usual bottles found elsewhere in hotels”explains Anne Clinckspoort, the manager. “150 meters from the hotel, we have a treatment plant that will filter our wastewater before releasing it into the river”she adds.

These establishments are more and more numerous in Belgium. “We realize that there is a desire for tourists to choose a hotel or sustainable accommodation and we are delightedanalyse Anne Clinckspoort. It is important that we are aware of the footprint we leave behind as a consumer or as a company.”



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