Lobbyist demands problem-oriented climate terms: global warming instead of climate change!

Global warming instead of climate change!

Michaelerberg-Pruggern/Steiermark (OTS) The terms climate change, climate crisis, climate catastrophe or even global warming deliberately used by politicians and fossil-friendly journalism are linguistically proven words with positive connotations.
Conceptual thought patterns ingrained over generations thus suggest to people that the climate problem is a normal problem, a temporary event even without their own doing!

climate change” is stored in the subconscious as “everything is always changing, change is something good”! One “Climate crisis“ passes by itself like every crisis, we have survived all crises so far, even marital, financial, banking, refugee or economic crises! The seemingly dramatic term “climate catastrophe‘ suggests to people ‘following the rubble has been cleared away’ that everything is forgotten once more! words like “Global or climate warming’ even convey joyful, cuddly, comforting feelings. With these trivializing terms, fossil lobbyists have been able to “silence” humanity for decades.

The only correct terms that are appropriate to the problem and call for countermeasures are “climate heating” or “earth heating”!

Only with the term “overheating” has every human being stored deep down that he/she must act immediately to stop this overheating! (Hot stovetop). Only the word “heating” prompts people to take active, climate-protective action.

With the knowledge of problem-appropriate (climate) language, everyone can determine for themselves whether a person is for or once morest climate protection.
I demand the use of problem-appropriate terms!

Grandchild protection lobbyist Ernst Walter Schrempf, www.klimanotstand.com

Questions & contact:

Ernest Walter Schrempf
grandchild protection lobbyist



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