Loan case: Laudelina’s daughter declared that her mother lied because she was promised a house and a car

Loan case: Laudelina’s daughter declared that her mother lied because she was promised a house and a car

Arrival of Laudelina Peña, Loan’s aunt, to the Ezeiza prison

Laudelina Peña’s situation is getting worse and worse. After being sent to the Ezeiza women’s prison under preventive detention for the possible abduction and concealment of her nephew, Loan Danilo, following admitting that she planted her loot to mislead the search for him, her daughter Macarena testified before the prosecutor Mariano de Guzmán as a witness yesterday Sunday.

What she said was incendiary: she confirmed under oath and under the possibility of being charged with false testimony that her mother, a beneficiary of social plans, lied because someone promised her “a house and a motorcycle,” high-ranking sources in the case assured Infobae.

According to her story, the bribe was allegedly made by lawyers involved in the case to incriminate Carlos Pérez and María Victoria Caillava, the main defendants, currently in prison in Güemes, Salta province. José Codazzi, Laudelina’s lawyer, did not make any statements regarding this bribe, nor did Loan’s aunt herself.

Macarena’s story is at least an interesting possibility. However, it does not sound entirely credible to the investigators in charge of finding Loan, who believe that she tried to defend her mother. Precisely because it is a defense of her mother. If this is the case, if Macarena herself lied, then she might become another defendant in the case, with her cousin Loan missing for more than 25 days.

Macarena and Laudelina’s house had been raided last week. There, by order of prosecutors Mariano de Guzmán, Alejandra Mangano and Marcelo Colombo, the PFA seized her mother’s cell phone. The examination of the phones in the case carried out by the CICAT of the Ministry of National Security was one of the keys for the prosecutors to once more request the questioning of Loan’s aunt with their subsequent request for arrest and preventive detention.

During the raid, all the family group’s phones were also seized, including that of Camila, Laudelina’s niece, who also testified in the case. In an interview with this newspaper last Thursday, Camila said that she did not trust her aunt.

The cemetery of 9 de Julio, where the experts searched for Loan’s body

Meanwhile, the trail of the cemetery in 9 de Julio, the town where the Peña family is from, seems to be truncated. Last Friday, a group of experts awaited the signal from Judge Pozzer Penzo to break a suspicious slab found in a plot of land there, supposedly built on a date around Loan’s disappearance, following three days of work on site by the PFA experts:

The plot was analysed by a Gendarmerie ground-penetrating radar, which yielded inconclusive results: the expert was unable to determine whether there was a body there or not. Searching for a corpse with dogs was a contradiction in terms. “It’s a cemetery,” one investigator joked. So the only chance left was to break the slab to clear up any doubts.

However, the lead has been ruled out for now, following Pozzer Penzo did not issue the corresponding order, sources in the case assured this newspaper.

Meanwhile, the analysis of the contents of the 17 cell phones seized in the case continues, and is being examined by the Scientific Police Superintendence of the PFA. From these analyses, for example, information emerged that led to the capture of Laudelina. Minister Patricia Bullrich assured that evidence of deletion was found on the devices, but did not specify whether what was deleted belonged to the period of Loan’s disappearance.

Meanwhile, nothing relevant has been found on the phones that would allow us to determine where the boy was taken and what they did with him.

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