LL24: Fred again.. baptizes Alpha in a pink cloud

Because that is the idea behind Actual Life, the series of albums that Fred again.. started in 2020: songs like a diary, based on contributions from musician friends, but also on voice messages from friends or YouTube videos that he clicks through on a rainy Thursday afternoon. That’s how he came across two lines in a song by Lady Shaw that touched him, he says. ‘I let you take a piece of me. I hope you get the peace you need.’ Isn’t it beautiful. A bit weak-hearted perhaps, but beautiful nonetheless. It is a text about friendship, generosity, intimacy, recurring themes.

Lowlands is also collectively warming up for this tonight. Long before the start, the Alpha is buzzing with anticipation and it seems that large groups of friends who rush off in all directions at such a festival during the day have agreed to come here to experience this together. Fred again..’s casual hoodie and his instrument set-up make it seem as if he spontaneously comes to play all this at your house party. As if he is not some bizarrely talented multi-instrumentalist, but just one of us. With cleverly placed cameras, he lets us watch the fingers that touch the piano and the sampler the whole time.



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