Miami Ohio University concluded in a study that pet owners have higher self-esteem and are physically healthier. Another recent investigation by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that pets help reduce the feeling of loneliness and stress and become ideal companions for children helping them in their development emotional and social.
Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more households with pets. At the end of 2021 there were registered 29 million pets in our country, which implies that in 6 out of 10 homes have one or more pets, according to ‘I Survey of Animal Welfare’ performed by AniCura.
Pets neither judge nor discriminate, they just provide unconditional affection, which brings great benefits to those who live with them making them feel good. Below we recall some of them.
Less loneliness and more self-esteem
If you live alone or alone in the company of a pet, physical contact and communication with him is stimulated with what the feeling of loneliness disappears and it can protect you from depression. If there are several of me in the house, your bonds will be reinforced, given that, Sharing care and affection for the pet favors family connections.
In addition, when we are depressed and do not feel like doing anything, the bond that is established with the pet provides a reason to get out of bed to feed it and even take it outside. There are depressed people that they are not able to vent to anyone but who together with their pets feel relieved for the communication they manage to establish with them.
More happiness, less stress and new friends
Play a while with your pet, pet her frequently and even talk to her stimulates the production of so-called ‘happiness hormones’ such as oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. In addition, at the same time that the feeling of happiness increases cortisol is reduced which helps to reduce stress levels and blood pressure. It might be said that the game and the contact with the pet makes us feel good and helps protect heart health as a last resort.
Go to walking a pet is a routine that not only contributes to increasing regular physical exercise, but also which also increases social life.
during the ride conversations often take place either with strangers who come to caress her and ask regarding her or with other pet owners with whom a bond of friendship can be established. Walking a pet can make us more outgoing.
How do they benefit children and adolescents?
That your children grow up exposed to the constant stimuli of their pet brings innumerable benefits for the development of their senses, social and emotional skills.
Animals at home are an opportunity to mature children and adolescents, acquiring responsibilities through its care (food, grooming, visits to the vet, walk…). Even teenagers who have dogs increase their physical activity by 15 minutes a day on average. The bond they establish with the animal increases the time they dedicate to it, spending a little less time on mobile devices disconnected from the family.
Even children with some difficulty speaking or reading reinforce their confidence by doing so in front of pets, since the animals will not judge them if they make a mistake.
The efficacy of some therapies that include animals for people with some type of problem or disorder that affects them socially, emotionally, physically or cognitively has been demonstrated.
Thinking of having a pet?
The first thing you should do previously before including a pet in your life is inform you regarding the care you will need in terms of the attention that you can give him throughout the day, type of food, veterinary care, space at home and exercise that he will need, among other things.
Having an animal at home brings many benefits but it is a living being and it is our responsibility to keep it in good condition and commit ourselves to keeping you healthy and happy. Not having these things clear beforehand leads to some people want to get rid of the animal following a while.
Unfortunately, it is still common some homeowners who buy on impulse, for example, a puppy dog or cat, decide to abandon it or leave it in a shelter when they realize that living with it implies the commitment and effort that educating it entails. In the case of dogs, it should also be taken into account that each breed has its own temperament and needs, which can greatly influence coexistence.
In 2021 they were collected in our country 285,000 abandoned dogs and cats, according to the ‘Purina Observatory’. Some of the reasons for abandonment are the unwanted litters, the end of the hunting season, the arrival of the holidays, and even because the owners lose interest in the pet.
The good news in light of these figures is that more than 50% of abandoned dogs and cats and collected by protectors have been adopted by families with a success rate of 90% of cases. Social awareness campaigns and the work carried out by protectors, shelters and non-profit associations in favor of adoption are beginning to bear fruit.
And it is that 7 out of 10 Spaniards prefer to adopt their dog or cat before buying it, according to ‘I Survey of Animal Welfare in Spain’ carried out by AniCura.
Why adopt a pet?
The first and fundamental thing is that gives a second chance to an animal that has been abandoned, and you will see that his capacity for gratitude is remarkable. It should be emphasized that it is a false myth that in adoption entities there are no animals of various races and ages.
Also, the good thing is that will inform you of its history, characteristics and behavior both of their race and of their particular races, and in some cases you can visit them before adopting him and to make the decision with the certainty that you adapt either to each other or to your family’s lifestyle.
Another advantage of adopting, for example from a dog, is that the cost is much less than buying it. The cost is justified by the veterinary expenses that the adoption entity has to assume (vaccinations up to date, internal and external deworming, microchip…). In the case of puppies, this cost is usually somewhat higher due to the level of veterinary care they require during the first 4 months of life. But a dog from 10 years can become free its adoption in some entities.
The most advisable thing is that if you want to adoptget in touch with the centers near your home to inform you of the requirements that you must meet and prices, since some vary depending on whether the entity is a municipal kennel, a private animal shelter or shelter.
in all entities adoption processes are controlled by professionals and aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of the pet, they are relatively fast, they will only request a few minimum requirements to make it effective and be able to enjoy your new friend at home.