Living to 117: what were the two recommendations of María Branyas Morera

Maria Branyas Morera, who lived 117 years and was recognized as the oldest person in the world

María Branyas Morera, who at 117 years old was the oldest person in the world until her recent death, left a legacy that goes beyond her age. Undoubtedly, her genes were part of this record.

Her daughter, Rosa Moret, 78, said in an interview that the woman never had to be hospitalized or suffered fractures, leading doctors to conclude that her genetics, combined with a balanced lifestyle, played a crucial role in her longevity.

According to María Branyas Morera, there were a series of habits that she followed. Among the recommendations she shared in some interviews, two stand out for their simplicity and depth: surrounding yourself with a happy environment and seeking moments of relaxation to meditate.

In a world where more and more people are reaching older ages, Branyas’ words resonate even more strongly: by 2030, one in six people in the world will be 60 years old or older, according to global projections. This growth in the older population underscores the importance of adopting habits that promote health and well-being in old age.

One of the pillars that Branyas emphasized was the importance of surrounding oneself with people who generate a positive environment.

According to studies, frequent socialization can reduce the risk of death by 42%, being a key component for longevity and well-being in advanced ages, as recent research shows.

This idea is reinforced by recent studies that have explored how socialization affects longevity. A study Published in 2023 in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, the study evaluated more than 28,000 older people in China and found that those who socialized almost daily were significantly more likely to live longer compared to those who socialized less frequently or not at all.

The research showed that socializing at least once a month was associated with a 42% reduction in the risk of death, while doing so almost daily could delay the time to death by 204%.

This link between socialization and longevity is not an isolated discovery. meta-analytic analysis Published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2021, it reviewed 23 longitudinal studies that included more than 1.458 million participants and confirmed that social support not only reduces mortality, but also acts as a buffer against stress, promoting better mental and physical health.

The study of the elderly population of Ikaria, Greece, revealed that 78% of inhabitants over 90 years of age maintained daily social contacts, which contributes to longevity, in line with the recommendations of Maria Branyas Morera on the importance of socialization (Getty Images)

The work highlighted how social relationships can influence psychobiological mechanisms that regulate the autonomic nervous system, the HPA axis, and the immune system, all of which are critical for longevity.

The impact of socialization on health and longevity has been the subject of interest in multiple studies and cultures. For example, in the “Blue Zones” of the world, where people have a significantly higher life expectancy, strong social relationships have been found to be a key factor for longevity.

Other study Focusing on the elderly population of Ikaria, Greece, found that 78% of residents over 90 years of age maintained daily social contacts, contributing to their remarkable longevity.

In addition to socializing, Branyas also highlighted the importance of meditation and relaxation as key tools for well-being.

Meditation has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, blood pressure and anxiety, according to the American Heart Association, making it an essential practice for a long and healthy life (Illustrative image Infobae)

According to the American Heart Association, meditation is a practice with roots dating back 7,000 years, and has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, blood pressure, and anxiety. Meditation not only acts on the nervous system, but it also has profound effects on brain health.

A recent study published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity suggests that meditation may influence longevity by improving brain health, slowing the cognitive effects of aging, and strengthening the immune system.

Meditation allows people to better manage stress and enjoy a higher quality of life, which is essential for those seeking to age healthily. The mind can be trained and balanced through meditation, which improves not only mental health but also the ability to cope with life’s physical and emotional challenges.

Research has shown that social support, such as that promoted by Branyas Morera, regulates the autonomic nervous system and strengthens the immune system, both crucial factors for a long and healthy life, reinforcing his legacy of longevity (iStock)

Science backs up these benefits of meditation. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health in the United States has documented that meditation improves overall well-being by reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as promoting regulation of the autonomic nervous system. These benefits not only contribute to greater longevity, but also improve quality of life, making meditation a valuable practice for those seeking to age well.

María Branyas Morera passed away peacefully in her sleep, according to a statement on her official social media. The 117-year-old woman, born in the United States to Spanish parents, was the oldest person in the world.

Branyas Morera was born in June 1907 in the United States and moved to Spain when he was just eight years old. Throughout his life, he had to face numerous historical and personal challenges, including the First and Second World Wars, the Spanish Civil War and the Spanish flu.

María Branyas Morera, born in 1907, lived through historic events such as the two world wars, the Spanish civil war and the Spanish flu María Branyas Morera (Twitter @DEMOGRAFIA_CSIC)

Surprisingly, she also overcame COVID-19 at the age of 113, earning her the nickname “Iron Lady.” Her longevity was not just a curiosity, but served as an inspiration as she maintained a full life, raising a family with three children, seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Branyas spent her final years at the Santa María del Tura nursing home in the town of Olot in northeastern Spain. On January 17, 2023, her longevity was recognized worldwide when she was certified as the oldest person on the planet by the Guinness Book of Records.

Regarding her diet, Branyas repeatedly mentioned that one of her favorite foods was yogurt, due to its numerous health-promoting properties. “A piece of advice: in an era in which miracle diets and foods for well-being and health are constantly emerging, it is necessary to rescue yogurt; a traditional food with countless positive properties for the body and that prolongs life,” she said.

A recent meta-analysis of 14 studies conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Australia and Japan, covering a sample of 483,090 people, has shown that increasing daily yogurt consumption by 50 g can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 7%. This information was included in a study led by a group of Argentine researchers and published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition.

The relationship between yogurt consumption and obesity reduction was highlighted in a study that claimed that yogurt could be key to improving the daily diet, a simple and traditional food that María Branyas Morera valued for its health benefits.

The study, which also addressed the relationship between yogurt consumption and obesity, said yogurt could be a key component to improving the daily diet. According to the document, in a context where the global diet is low in diversity and with deficiencies in nutritious foods, a moderate increase in yogurt consumption has the potential to increase the nutritional density of the diet by up to 10%.

The authors of the study stressed that the relationship between dairy products and type 2 diabetes varies depending on the type of dairy product and its fat content. They also mentioned that consumers’ initial blood sugar levels play an important role in this association.

The study mentions that, despite the benefits of yogurt, it is essential to consider the fat composition of dairy products. Not all dairy products have the same effect and their potential benefit depends on these factors. It also recalls the importance of a varied diet and the role of yogurt as a beneficial component within a balanced dietary context.

The issue of “hidden calories,” present in foods that increase the intake of saturated fats and sugar, was also highlighted. This type of calories is found in processed and ultra-processed products that, in the long term, contribute to obesity and other metabolic diseases.



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