Living near the sea improves health according to a study

2023-07-21 13:18:00

To keep his body healthyit is recommended to: practice sports, manage stress, or even eat a balanced diet.

But did you know that stroll by the sea regularly or live near the side can also be part of these recommendations?

Besides the benefits on our sea air body which is pure and free of dust and allergenswalking by the sea improves health.

Living near the sea is good for your health

A recent study showed conclusively that people living by the sea or going there on a regular basis are in better health compared to people living further from the coast.

15,000 inhabitants of 14 European countries and Australia were questioned about their general state of health by the research team in the form of self-administered questionnaires.

The results showed that living closer to the coast predicted a better health self-reported within countries. “It is important to note that the greatest improvement in health when living closer to the coast, namely 37.9% of the total improvement, occurs between less than 1 km and 1 to 2 km” specifies the study.

Going once or twice a year to the seaside has positive effects on health

Unfortunately, not everyone has the possibility of being able to live by the sea. Rest assured, walk on the beach once or twice a year is also beneficial to health.

More seaside walks predict better self-reported health within countries according to the study: “Note that 13.3% of the total increase in health when visiting the coast occurs more often between the first two categories ‘once a week or more often’ and ‘once every 2 or 3 weeks’, while 53.4% ​​occurs between the last two categories ‘once or twice a year’ and ‘never’. »

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