Livestock companies registered the best result in the last 21 years

Also, for complete cycles in areas It is, northeast y east center, Capital Income grew 80% to $133/ha. Costs in these areas reached increases of 23%, and the Input/Product ratio improved by 17%, as reported by Blasina and Associates.

The impact of better production

Although the price variable was decisive for the great performance of the livestock companies, the productive improvement played a fundamental role, especially in an unfavorable climatic context and little rain.

In this sense, the Capital Income of the breeding companies located in the North, North Center and North Coast, grew by 73%, reaching income of 121 dollars/ha. For these sectors, production costs grew 9% and the input/output ratio fell 21%.

Regarding the breeders of the East, Central East and Northeast, Capital Income grew 84% to 129 dollars/ha, while production costs grew 14% and the Input/Output ratio also fell 21%.

With respect to sheep meat —of an important weight in northern breeders—, productivity also grew, and sales prices per kilo on foot increased by 22%, although there was a decrease in wool, especially in fibers thick.

What can be expected for the 2022-2023 cycle

The prospects are not so positive for the year that is beginning, as he explained Carlos Molina, director of the Agricultural Plan at Blasina y Asociados. The main reasons are a fall in prices that has already been going on for four consecutive months, and a behavior of costs in an inverse upward trend.

Considering that the increase in costs, especially in fertilizers, agrochemicals and phytosanitary products, has already had an impact on this cycle, even with historical yields, experts predict a more difficult year even though it has barely begun.

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“Those who are going to be less crushed are those who decide with information, work with more grass and have more trained personnel,” Molina said.

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