“Live Updates: Latest News and Videos from May 10, 2023”

2023-05-10 22:42:00

news news--summary news--video-playing" data-post-id="1389995" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/gobernador-desantis-ley-inmigracion-medidas-florida-eeuu-dusa-ush.cnn">

Posted at 18:42 ET (22:42 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023



news news--summary" data-post-id="1390053" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/paises-mas-migrantes-mundo-perspectivas-buenos-aires.cnn">

Posted at 20:10 ET (00:10 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The 5 countries with the most migrants in the world


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389983" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/fda-pildora-control-natalidad-venta-libre-eeuu-dusa-ush-antonanzas.cnn">

Posted at 18:03 ET (22:03 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

They advise to approve the sale of birth control pill without a prescription


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389964" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/titulo-42-8-migrantes-irregular-frontera-politica-eeuu-dusa.cnn">

Posted at 17:24 ET (21:24 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

This is how Title 8 and its more restrictive policy against immigrants will work


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389924" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/escritora-asesina-esposo-fentanilo-dusa-roa-pkg.cnn">

Posted at 16:18 ET (20:18 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389859" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/supremacismo-blanco-america-latina-antisemitismo-eeuu-dusa-ush.cnn">

Posted at 14:57 ET (18:57 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Siegel: Anti-Semitism, central part of white supremacism


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389815" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/conductor-sentido-contrario-choque-los-angeles-leila-medina-ush-pkg-digital.cnn">

Posted at 13:27 ET (17:27 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The shocking crash caused by a driver who was in the opposite lane


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389790" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/agente-tsa-trato-agresivo-perro-detroit-leila-medina-ush-pkg-digital.cnn">

Posted at 12:36 ET (16:36 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Aggressive treatment of an animal by a TSA agent is caught on camera


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389659" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/restaurante-usa-inteligencia-artificial-ia-arizona-rebeca-pkg-digital-ush.cnn">

Posted at 08:25 ET (12:25 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Artificial intelligence will take your order in this restaurant


news news--summary" data-post-id="1389651" data-video-id="spanish/2023/05/10/familia-pierde-cenizas-hijo-peluche-florida-rebeca-pkg-digital-ush.cnn">

Posted at 08:12 ET (12:12 GMT) Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Family loses stuffed animal with their son's ashes in Florida


#Ron #DeSantis #signs #tougher #immigration #law #Florida

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