LIVE: Lima Experiences Huaicos Resulting from Rains – Senamhi Reports River Overflows, Last Minute Activation of Ravines and Landslides Today | Latest News | Indeci | Cyclone Yaku | Rimac River | Society.

The recent strong rains and huaicos in various parts of Peru have caused the flow of rivers to increase, including those that cross Metropolitan Lima, resulting in the destruction of nearby infrastructure and leaving several families homeless in districts such as Chosica, Chaclacayo, Cieneguilla, San Juan de Lurigancho, and Pachacámac. The National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (Senamhi) forecast that the rainfall and adverse climate conditions in the capital would remain until the end of March. As a result, this Wednesday, March 22, there were ongoing rescue operations and tragic news updates, including the finding of bodies, the evacuation of families, the blocking of roads, and animal injuries due to the landslides. The National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reports that 65 people have died from natural phenomena in Peru, with 66,853 people affected and 9,677 homeless. Numerous infrastructures were also destroyed or heavily affected, including houses, health centers, classrooms, and bridges.

The flow of the rivers that cross the districts of Metropolitan Lima has increased due to strong rains y huaicos reported in different parts of Peru. This increase in the waters of the Rímac and Chillón rivers has caused the destruction of bridges, houses and other surrounding infrastructure. In turn, the huaicos have left several families homeless in districts such as Chosica, Chaclacayo, Cieneguilla, San Juan de Lurigancho and Pachacámac. The National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (Senamhi) warned that the rainfall climate conditions in the capital would remain until the end of March. Follow here the latest LIVE news for this Wednesday, March 22.

Huaicos in Lima LIVE: minute by minute about the overflow of rivers, huaicos and floods in Lima this March 22

This was the rescue of María Reyes Lizárraga

This Wednesday, March 22, rescuers managed to remove the deceased body of María Reyes Lizárraga from the rubble, who lived in one of the houses located on the banks of the Rímac River dry at Pierre Bella Unión in the district of San Martín de Porres.

Photo: John Reyes

More than 200 animals including dogs and cats were injured by the mudslides

Huaicos in the various regions of Peru cause damage to both people and animals. In Lima alone, more than 200 animals have been reported, including dogs and cats, that were lost or injured after the activation of streams.

Given this, various local veterinarians provide voluntary help to affected quadrupeds.

18 rescuers participated in the search for a mother and her son fallen in the Rímac river

This Wednesday, March 22, the bodies of a mother and her 18-year-old son were found, who died when they fell into the Rímac River. The head of the Rescue Police stated that there were 18 rescuers who participated in the search.

They find the body of a woman on the banks of the Rímac river

After more than twelve hours of searching, PNP troops found the body of a woman who fell with her son into the Rímac River, after the collapse of her home.

They find the hand of a person during rescue work on the banks of the Rímac river

Since morning hours, the rescue personnel carry out search work on the banks of the Rímac River. The head of the Rescue Police stated that, according to information provided by the personnel who are carrying out the debris removal work, a person’s hand has been found. “We assumed that it would be the woman we are looking for,” he explained.

What is the state of health of the rescuer hit by a freezer?

The head of the Rescue Police provided details of the state of health of the non-commissioned officer who was hit by a freezer when he was working on the banks of the Rímac River. “The medical diagnosis establishes that he has superficial injuries and internal problems are being ruled out,” he reported. .

Likewise, he highlighted the work of the rescue unit personnel for having quickly helped his partner. “The rescuers risk their lives for the good of others. I thank and congratulate all the rescuers who expose themselves to danger every day seeking to help society,” she said.

Temporary shelter tents are installed for families at risk after the collapse of a house in the Rímac River

After part of a house collapsed, due to the increase in the flow of the Rímac riverand a mother with her son fell into the river, the authorities of San Martín de Porres set up 23 tents refugio temporal on a sports slab to evacuate families at risk.

Photo: Omar Coca

Sutran: 24 roads blocked due to weather factors

According to the latest report from the Superintendence of Land Transportation of People, Cargo and Merchandise (Sutran), this Wednesday, March 22, there are 24 blocked roads and 78 points with restricted traffic.

Photo: Twitter/Sutran

They find the body of a man in the Rímac river

The National Police presumes that it would be the 20-year-old who fell, along with his mother, into the waters of the Rímac River after his home collapsed due to an increase in flow.

Video: Jessica Merino / URPI-LR

Search continues for 2 people missing after house collapse

Mother and son fell into the rimac river after a part of his house collapsed, due to the increase in flow. In statements to La República, the family specified that one of the bodies had already been located; however, the identity has not yet been validated by the authority.

Photo: Felix Contreras

This is how the houses affected by the rise of the Rímac river look like

Photo: Jessica Merino / URPI-LR

Homes evacuated after landslides on the banks of the Rímac river

Hernán Sifuentes, mayor of San Martín de Porres, specified that there are 18 families that will be relocated, in the following hours, in a sports complex.

Video: Jessica Merino

Huaicos and rains in Lima: firefighters provide tips in the face of a national emergency due to heavy rains

The National Fire Department of Peru and the General Corps of Volunteer Firefighters of Peru They made a series of recommendations to the population, given the report of intense rains at the national level, which, so far, have caused overflows, floods and landslides. Photo: Firefighters of Peru.

Freezer hits rescuer who was looking for 2 missing people

The search for a mother and her son, who fell into the Rímac River after the collapse of their home due to the increase in flow, continue. One of the rescuers, while trying to go up to the affected property, was hit in the head by a freezer. The man was rushed to the PNP Central Hospital.

Video:Jessica Merino / URPI-LR

SMP: Two people reported missing after a house fell into the Rímac river

Part of a house collapsed, due to the increase in the flow of the Rímac River, and two people unfortunately fell into the waters of the river and are still missing. It would be a mother and her son, as reported by ATV News.

Senamhi forecast rains with electric shocks in the central and southern highlands of the country

The National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (Senamhi) announced that “between Wednesday March 22 and Thursday March 23, rainfall moderate to strong intensity in the central and southern sierra”.

Photo: Senamhi

Senamhhi: what is the rain forecast for this Wednesday, March 22?

According to the Senamhi forecast, there will be rainfall on the north coast and the highlands of Peru, for today, March 22. The identified regions that would be affected are: Ancash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, Tacna and Tumbes. In Lima, these climatic conditions would impact the eastern zone.

Rains in Peru: what are the damages and how many affected people are there?

In his latest report, the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) indicated that 65 people died due to recent natural phenomena in Peru. In turn, he explained that, to date, there are 66,853 people affected and 9,677 homeless.

Regarding damage to infrastructures, the following figures are recorded:

  • houses destroyed: 1.541
  • Disabled homes: 2,207
  • Homes affected: 28,491
  • Destroyed health centers: 5
  • Health centers affected: 116
  • Uninhabitable health centers: 10
  • destroyed classrooms: 56
  • Classrooms affected: 708
  • Disabled classes: 190
  • destroyed bridges: 137
  • affected bridges: 239

Sutran: roads blocked, today March 22, due to weather conditions

The heavy rainfall and huaicos that have affected several districts in Metropolitan Lima have caused devastating destruction and displacement for many families. This tragic situation has led to the loss of several lives and displacement of thousands of people across the country. While the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (Senamhi) has warned that these weather conditions will remain until the end of March, the government and various local organizations continue to work tirelessly to provide aid and support to those affected. We hope that these efforts bring some relief to those who have been impacted by these tragic events, and that we can work towards better disaster preparedness and response in the future.

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