LIVE – French women’s team: “We’re not here to get bored, oh”, Hervé Renard recounts his hazing

“We’re not here to be bored, oh”, Hervé Renard recounts his hazing

Present at a press conference at the end of his second match at the head of Les Bleues, this Tuesday against Canada (9:10 p.m.), Hervé Renard recounted his hazing.

“You know where I come from, I put on African music, music by Fally Ipupa, confided the new coach of the France women’s team. The players got up, it started a short period where it got a little on fire. It was good, but it was a little dull before that. We need joy, dancing, music. We’re not here to be bored, oh! You have to have a good time and be serious when you are on the pitch. That was the message.”

Hervé Renard appeals to the public

In a press conference, Hervé Renard appealed to the public before the reception of Canada, at Le Mans, at the Marie-Marvingt stadium: “I heard that there would be between 10,000 and 12,000 spectators and the stadium has 25,000 “I’m not satisfied, we haven’t managed our progress. We need more people to come, we need them. It’s important to fill a stadium as much as possible, especially a beautiful stadium like that. If there are some who have nothing to do tomorrow night, it would be nice if they came. Thank you!”

The Bleues press conference to follow at 4 p.m.

Hervé Renard will answer journalists’ questions from Le Mans, which Les Bleues joined during the day.

Sakina Karchaoui validates the Renard method

PSG and France defender Sakina Karchaoui enjoyed her first week of work alongside Hervé Renard. The new coach of Les Bleues has already been able to imprint his paw three and a half months before the World Cup.

“He brought what he knows how to do, especially on the human side, explains Sakina Karchaoui in the columns of The Team. His openness is incredible, the fact that he has traveled around the world, that he has had very different experiences, it brings another culture to the group. We can talk about anything and everything, he is very attentive to what is said to him, open to conversation. It brings freshness. He seems to me very fair in what he does, with a positive, ambitious speech. This is what the group needed, to go hand in hand towards the same goal.”

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Hello everyone

The preparation of Les Bleues for the World Cup, organized this summer in Australia and New Zealand (July 20-August 20), is in full swing. New coach Hervé Renard had his first victory against Colombia on Friday (5-2) after a fantastic comeback and two braces from Delphine Cascarino and Eugénie Le Sommer.

But for their second match, the Habs will come up against Canada, the reigning Olympic champion, this Tuesday at Le Mans (9:10 p.m.).

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