LIVE – For Sophie Binet, applying the pension reform on September 1 “is a scandal”

2023-06-06 10:13:53

The headquarters of the Olympic Games invaded by the CGT

The headquarters of the Olympic Games in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis) was invaded by members of the CGT on Tuesday to protest once morest the pension reform. “No withdrawal, no Olympics”, chanted the demonstrators in particular.

A voluntary power outage in Paris affects media and digital companies

Electricians carried out a power cut on Tuesday in a large area of ​​Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine) which houses the headquarters of media and digital companies, in order to challenge the pension reform law adopted this spring.

The headquarters of Orange and the France Médias Monde group, which notably includes radio RFI and the news channel France 24, confirmed to AFP that they were affected by this cut made around 10 a.m., in particular from an Enedis source post. , where several dozen electricians gathered in the early morning.

The headquarters of Orange, deprived of electricity, was evacuated and many employees returned home to telecommute, management told AFP. Many other corporate headquarters were affected, such as the headquarters of Microsoft France, the headquarters of Bouygues Immobilier, as well as buildings of the Post Office and Sanef, which were evacuated, AFP noted.

The Marseille procession set off

In Marseille, the demonstration once morest the pension reform has just started with several hundred people in the procession. However, the route was changed at the last minute due to the number of demonstrators, which was less than expected.

Several hundred demonstrators in Rennes

Several hundred people gathered on Tuesday boulevard de la Tour d’Auvergne in Rennes to start the demonstration once morest the pension reform. “There is always this anger, always this law rejected massively”, declared on BFMTV Fabrice Lerestif, departmental secretary FO 35.

Céline Verzeletti (CGT): “perhaps the last demonstration” but “the mobilization will continue”

Guest of BFMTV, the confederal secretary of the CGT assured that the unions will continue their action once morest the pension reform, even if the mobilization might take other forms than demonstrations:

This Tuesday “may be” the last day “of demonstration of this type, on only the reform project”, she declared. But faced with “a government which does not want to hear anything and which is in significant democratic denial, (…) the mobilization will continue, in different forms but it will continue”, assured Céline Verzeletti.

For Sophie Binet, applying the reform on September 1 “is a scandal”

Like the other leaders of the intersyndicale, the secretary general of the CGT attacked the pension reform from the angle of its implementing decrees: “It is a scandal that the government intends to apply it to the 1st September when he only issued 2 decrees out of 31.”

“On the battle for pensions, we will use all means and we will seize the Council of State if necessary and possible.”

For Sophie Binet (CGT), “it is essential to let Parliament vote”

Guest of RMC and BFMTV, Sophie Binet asked the government to respect “democracy” by letting the deputies vote on June 8 the text of the Liot group on the repeal of the pension reform.

The secretary general of the CGT called on the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, not to prevent the vote by invoking article 40 of the Constitution: “She must let the deputies vote, it is the least things to let the deputies express themselves on a reform of this magnitude”, she said.

“If it prevented Parliament from voting once more on Thursday, it would be extremely serious, it would create a serious precedent”, underlined Sophie Binet, deploring a “scandalous forced passage”.

More information here.

François Hommeril (CFE-CGC) wants to mobilize “all possible angles to attack this reform”

Guest of the morning of RFI-France 24, the president of the CFE-CGC delivered his perspectives as to the continuation of the mobilization once morest the pension reform: “We are not going to lay down our arms and we will continue to oppose to this law […] The intersyndicale will go through time on this subject of pensions.

On the occasion of one of the last days of demonstration once morest the government text, the union leader indicated that the organizations would now focus on the implementing decrees:

“We have already noticed that on certain decrees, we had problems, which announces a lot of debates to come. We say that it is not possible to apply this law in 2023. All possible angles to attack this reform will be mobilised.”

The bus network disrupted in Rennes due to a blockage

The bus network of Rennes and its metropolis was disrupted this morning due to the blocking of deposits by demonstrators opposed to the pension reform, indicated the network manager.

“Blocking of the bus depot by demonstrators,” said the Star network on Tuesday morning on Twitter, before listing a dozen lines not running. A demonstration is planned in Rennes at 11 a.m. in the city center of the Breton capital.

For Laurent Berger, Tuesday’s mobilization day is “probably” one of the last

Asked regarding the follow-up to be given to the movement once morest the pension reform, Laurent Berger said that it will be decided “together”, within the framework of the inter-union. But the 14th day of mobilization on Tuesday is “probably” one of the last, acknowledged the leader of the CFDT. “It is undoubtedly one of the last days of mobilization,” he added.

However, “this is not a last stand”. “There is still very strong opposition to 64s and still anger, resentment, in the working world,” Laurant Berger said. “The French have not moved on,” he said, expecting “significant mobilization figures on Tuesday”.

Marylise Léon (CFDT): “It is important that there is a vote in the National Assembly.”

Vote or no vote? While the Liot group’s bill on the repeal of the postponement of the retirement age might be declared inadmissible by the President of the National Assembly, Marylise Léon hopes that the vote will have place.

“It is important that there is a vote in the National Assembly, declared this Tuesday morning on RTL, the future number 1 of the CFDT. The world of work does not want this reform, we say “listen to the world of work.”

However, if this proposal is rejected because deemed unconstitutional, Marylise Léon is not on the same line as the boss of the CGT who speaks of “democratic scandal”.

“I do not know if it is a democratic scandal, article 40 exists in the Constitution, recalls the deputy general secretary of the CFDT. But it is regrettable that the president of the National Assembly does a little “circulate there nothing to do.”

Frédéric Souillot (FO) expects to see “people in the street today” and promises to “continue the fight”

On France 2, Frédéric Souillot assured that “there will be people in the street once more today”, on the occasion of a new day of mobilization once morest the pension reform.

“Still 66% of French people are once morest this pension reform, and 94% of the active population”, recalled the general secretary of FO, specifying that the inter-union will meet to “decide on the follow-up”. “Do I look like I want to move on? No,” he added.

And to conclude: “The fight will continue. There are 31 decrees that must come out. There is the Council of State and the courts, we will attack them”.

Where are the protests once morest the pension reform organized in your city?

More than 230 rallies or demonstrations are organized throughout the country at the call of the inter-union. Where are the rallying points located in your city? invites you to find the interactive map of the places of mobilization this Tuesday.

>> Our interactive map

1 in 3 flights canceled at Orly, other airports affected

In order to limit traffic disruption linked to a strike notice, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has asked airlines to reduce their flight schedule by a third at Paris-Orly airport for this Tuesday, and 20% on those of Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux and Nantes.

The first French airport, Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, is however not concerned.

>> Our article

Strike: what disturbances at the SNCF?

SNCF traffic will be “very slightly” disrupted” Tuesday June 6 for the new and 14th day of mobilization once morest the pension reform “with 9 out of 10 trains in circulation on a national average”, and it will be “normal” in Ile-de-France on the entire RATP network, the railway authorities announced on Sunday.

>> Our article

Does the day of June 6 mark the end of the mobilizations once morest the pension reform?

The field of action is shrinking for trade unions and the day of mobilization of this June 6 –which precedes the examination, two days later, of the bill to repeal the reform– might be the last street battle on pensions before turning the page on this turbulent social chapter… From the chapter, but not from the book because for the centrals, if the fight changes form, it does not stop there .

>> Our article

Police drones will monitor the demonstration in Paris

Through a one decree published this weekendthe prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez decided to authorize the “capture, recording and transmission of images by means of cameras installed on aircraft within the framework of the rally of the intersyndicale on June 6, 2023 once morest the pension reform.

>> Our article

More than 230 demonstrations and rallies across the country this Tuesday, June 6

By compiling the information published by CFDT and those listed on local media, was able to count 232 demonstrations planned once morest the pension reform.

Find out where the meeting point is in your department with our interactive map.

Nuñez and law enforcement are “awaiting” the black blocs in Paris

Invited on BFMTV this Monday, Laurent Nuñez, the prefect of police of Paris, spoke regarding the day of Tuesday which awaits the police, on the occasion of the 14th day of mobilization once morest the pension reform. He said he was “very determined and serene” in the face of the arrival of radical elements on the sidelines of the Parisian procession.

According to territorial intelligence, between 40,000 and 70,000 people are expected in the capital, including 1000 radical elements (200 to 300 “ultra left” and “ultra” yellow vests). “We know that we have a number of foreign anti-fascist activists who will be present,” said Laurent Nuñez, adding that his teams would not be affected.

>> Our article

What to expect for the June 6 day of protests?

For this Tuesday, the unions call on the French to pound the pavement once once more. In total, around 250 actions are planned across the country, including a demonstration from Les Invalides in Paris around 2 p.m.

According to the authorities, the gatherings should bring together between 400,000 and 600,000 people throughout France, including 40,000 to 70,000 for the city of Paris.

>> We take stock of this day of mobilization in this article

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this direct dedicated to the follow-up of the news related to the social movement once morest the pension reform this Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

#LIVE #Sophie #Binet #applying #pension #reform #September #scandal



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