Live.. A video of a minister falling into a deep sleep

news channel was interviewing a minister Farming Roman Petrie Dia, during which he talks about the impact Ukrainian war On his country’s cultivators, the official’s snoring was clearly heard.

Dia’s snoring coincided, according to the channel’s website "Digi24" Roman with a question directed to him, as seconds passed without any response from his side.

Although the presenter dealt with the situation professionally, and that she would return to the minister at a later time, but that did not prevent my guest on the program, along with Dia An laughter.


While an anchor on Antena 3 news channel was interviewing a minister Farming Roman Petrie Dia, during which he talks about the impact Ukrainian war On his country’s cultivators, the official’s snoring was clearly heard.

Dia’s snoring coincided, according to the Romanian “Digi24” channel, with a question asked to him, as seconds passed without any response on his part.

Although the presenter dealt with the situation professionally, and that she would return to the minister at a later time, but that did not prevent my guest on the program, along with Dia An laughter.

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