Lithuanian marine engineering industry presented at NATO events in Washington Business

At the NATO summit, the leaders of the Alliance, which marks its 75th anniversary this year, paid special attention to increasing support for Ukraine. Along with this and other topics, the development of allies’ defense capabilities, deterrence and strengthening of defense are intensively discussed.
The Defense Industry Forum (NATO Summit Defense Industry Forum) organized by the US Chamber of Commerce on the margins of the NATO summit became one of the most important highlights of the intensive visit of the Lithuanian delegation.

Personal album photo/ From left to right: Director and Vice President of Nord Security Inc. Gerald Kasulis, General Director of Western Shipyard Group of Companies Arnoldas Šileika, Representative of the Lithuanian Embassy in the USA Jūratė Usevičiūtė, President of the Lithuanian Defense and Security Industry Association Vincas Jurgutis , “Bro

“The format, where the industry actively participates in the discussions alongside the leaders of the states, testifies to the Alliance partners’ aspiration to clearly communicate the needs of defense capabilities, assess real opportunities, act strategically and in a coordinated manner. The invitation to participate in such a high-ranking meeting reflects our consistent orientation towards the creation of high added value solutions and our determination to contribute to strengthening the security of Lithuania and the entire region by pooling resources and competences in the field of military ship design and construction together with the state and partners. This visit is not just an honorable assessment for us. Expressing our will to be active participants in processes aimed at strengthening defense capabilities, we assume the responsibility to be and remain a strong pillar of the maritime industry on the shores of the Baltic Sea, a support for our country and its international partners”, said Arnoldas Šileika, CEO of the VLG Group of Companies.

The Lithuanian marine engineering industry is currently involved in a project aimed at creating the concept of a modern warship.

in 2023 February 15 the cooperation agreement for the implementation of this innovative technological project in Klaipėda was signed by the representatives of the Lithuanian Maritime Cluster, one of the founders of which is the VLG group of companies, and the Naval Forces of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

This is the first time in the history of maritime Lithuania, when the country’s maritime engineering industry, science and military experts gather their forces in such a unique format.

#Lithuanian #marine #engineering #industry #presented #NATO #events #Washington #Business
2024-07-13 18:42:53



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