Lithuania promised to do everything for Ukraine’s entry into the alliance


According to Pavilionis, if NATO rejects Ukraine’s application for membership, there will be a threat to the security of Lithuania.
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Lithuania must make every effort to ensure that NATO approves Ukraine’s application to join the alliance. With such statement the member of committees of the Diet on foreign and European affairs Zygimantas Pavilionis has acted.

“Lithuania must do everything to ensure that the Alliance favorably reacts to the membership of Ukraine, and that the accession takes place,” Delfi reports Pavilionis as saying. He added that otherwise there would be a threat to the security of Lithuania.

Previously NATO left the answer to the question about the timing of Ukraine’s admission to the alliance. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance will focus on the transfer of air defense systems to Ukraine, reports channel 360. And the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that all the goals of the special operation will be fulfilled, despite the “participation of NATO in the conflict in Ukraine”, reports RT.

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Lithuania must make every effort to ensure that NATO approves Ukraine’s application to join the alliance. With such statement the member of committees of the Diet on foreign and European affairs Zygimantas Pavilionis has acted. “Lithuania must do everything to ensure that the Alliance favorably reacts to the membership of Ukraine, and that the accession takes place,” Delfi reports Pavilionis as saying. He added that otherwise there would be a threat to the security of Lithuania. Earlier, NATO avoided answering the question about the timing of Ukraine’s admission to the alliance. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would focus on the transfer of air defense systems to Ukraine, the 360 ​​channel reports. And the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that all the goals of the special operation would be fulfilled, despite “NATO’s participation in the conflict in Ukraine,” RT reports. .

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