“Listen to Prof. Dr. Nithi’s Political Insights to the Progressive Party on Matichon TV”

2023-05-21 11:22:54

Listen to the nithi ‘Don’t go to the senators’. Believe the voice enough, but don’t break it. Don’t have to ask the police.-DPP. Support.

On May 21, reporters reported that Prof. Dr. Nithi Eawsriwong, a famous academic Interviewed on every X-Ok talk show on ‘Matichon TV’ on 20 May ago by in one episode Addressing the challenging policy issues of the Progressive Party. Whether it’s regarding canceling military service Or change the law, Section 112. Prof. Dr. Nithi stated that will be able to do it or not It is important not to lose sight of the ideology that has spoken of altogether. Even if the change is violent Please act honestly and honestly. The party has come this far. The important part is that people’s protests are part of the movement of the party. Whether it was when it was the Future Forward Party or the Progressive Party.

“Not asking the senator to support it, not asking the opposition party to support it, it’s not necessary, but the people must support him. If the public does not give this statement I don’t think I can survive. But if the people support it, they might survive. It is worth the risk,” Prof. Dr. Nithi said.

When the host asked In the case of the number of votes of various parties in forming a government If ultimately unable to continue or, in the extreme case, the dissolution of the party. what will lead Prof. Dr. Nithi stated that How can business operate without the government? Confirming that 310 votes is enough without the need to seek support from the Bhumjaithai Party. Democrat Because supporting the party that has the most votes is legitimacy. And it is the duty of the MPs already.

“Therefore, if a senator dares, vote for Khun Prayuth… I think 310 votes is enough, the important thing is not to break, 310 votes must not break. That’s why I said you had to go on TV. It must ensure that anyone who breaks out will never emerge politically. You don’t have to reconcile the senators. They must be loyal to their master following all. I know who he was set up by. it has no choice Even his own master had to compromise. Or once more, they may seize power at all, ”Prof. Dr. Nithi said.

Prof. Dr. Nithi said that Let’s not walk the country in fear. If there are obstacles such as the seizure of power, the Constitutional Court’s disregard for the law The dissolution of a party without reasonable grounds should not be tolerated.

“Really, dissolution of the party is not done anywhere. the party belongs to the people when this happened is done in violation of the law The chance of encountering such an event once more is possible. But if we are afraid, it is equal to giving the country to the old people who cannot keep up with the world. I don’t think we should give in.”


#Listen #nithi #Dont #senators #voice #dont #break #Dont #police.DPP #Support



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