Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Dmitry Medvedev, vice chairman of the Russian Federation Security Council, has repeatedly scolded the West on social platforms and made controversial remarks. Time posted on the social platform Telegram on the 21st, listing the “11 deadly sins of the West”, including the possibility of Ukraine losing its remaining national sovereignty and disappearing from the world map, satirizing the American people’s election of “strange and dementia grandpa”. “As president, he also abstained from responsibility, saying the “11 deadly sins” were not Russia’s fault.
Medvedev, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, served as interim president in the past from 2008 to 2012. Since Russia launched a special military operation, Medvedev has often made harsh words on the Internet, including asking the International Criminal Court not to act rashly, punishing a country with the most nuclear weapons is a stupid idea, and calling the “degenerate” to describe the controversial remarks by those who “hate” Russia.
The report pointed out that Medvedev’s “11 deadly sins of the West” listed on the 21st are as follows:
1. Americans brazenly deceive European fools, forcing them to bear the impact of sanctions on the people of EU countries, and the most painful consequences;
2. Ordinary people in Europe will be frozen in their homes this winter;
3. Food inflation in Europe and the U.S. is at its highest level in decades;
4. Businesses in EU countries and the United States lost billions of dollars invested in the Russian economy;
5. Americans elect a “weird old man with dementia” as president who forgets his duty and loves other countries more than his own;
6. Those lunatics who claim to be the EU leadership, completely out of touch with reality, forcing unfortunate Ukrainians to sacrifice their lives to join the EU;
7. A conspiracy of many political thugs claiming to restore the borders of Ukraine to their former state in an attempt to obtain new arms orders and to divide up the funds received by the Kyiv regime;
8. NATO, contrary to logic and common sense, continues to expand towards the Russian border, creating a real threat of global conflict and massive deaths;
9. After the coup in Ukraine in 2014, “the country lost its independence and was under the direct control of the West”, and Ukraine also firmly believes that NATO will guarantee its security;
10. As a consequence of what is happening now, Ukraine may lose its remaining national sovereignty and disappear from the world map;
11. “Ukrainian criminals” will be tried for atrocities committed once morest the Russian and Ukrainian people.
In addition, according to the “RIA Novosti” report, Medvedev posted a message on Telegram just a day ago (20th), ridiculing the West for ignoring its own mistakes and putting all the blame on Russia. He cited “11 deadly sins” that the West accused Russia of, including the Kremlin for letting Biden talk nonsense and an “untimely meteorite strike” that killed the dinosaurs.
Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Dmitry Medvedev, vice chairman of the Russian Federation Security Council, has repeatedly scolded the West on social platforms and made controversial remarks.
According to Russia’s “Moscow Communist Youth League”, Medvedev posted on the social platform Telegram on the 21st, listing “11 deadly sins of the West”.
These include the potential loss of Ukraine’s remaining national sovereignty and disappearance from the world map, the satire of the American people for electing a “strange and dementia-stricken grandfather” as president, and he also abstains from responsibility by saying that these “11 deadly sins” are not Russia’s wrong.
U.S. President Biden appeared for the first time following being diagnosed, and he did not look as energetic as before. He will be quarantined in the White House and continue to perform his duties.Figure: Flip from Biden’s Facebook