List of operators that offer 5G connection in Spain

Many of the most important telephone operators already offer 5G connectivity. And Spain enjoys, more and more, greater coverage.

5G can become, over time, a revolution in the hyperconnected society

We are going to give you a detailed list of operators that offer 5G connection in Spain. This list will be useful if you are thinking of changing your operator or if you want to take advantage of the 5G connection of your mobile. And it is already very possible to find cheap 5G mobiles in stores. And, obviously, without a mobile with a 5G connection you will not be able to enjoy all its benefits. Virtually all major brands offer devices with 5G. For example, some of the best Xiaomi phones are already compatible with this connectivity.

What is 5G?

5G is the evolution of 4G connectivity and offers numerous advantages, some of which could be a complete revolution in connectivity areaespecially related to the internet of things. Some of the biggest advantages of 5G compared to the previous 4G are:

  • A higher speed download: 5G offers download speeds of up to 20 Gbps, so we can consume higher quality content without interruptions, download and transfer large and quality documents, etc.
  • A minimal latency: Latency is how long it takes for the signal to travel between the device and the network. In the case of 5G, latency can be reduced to one millisecond. Latency is very relevant, for example, in the use of new technologies in operating rooms: it is possible to operate remotely with great precision.
  • Greater capacity: 5G can handle more devices connected to the network simultaneously. In this way, it is unlikely that you will have internet drops in places with a massive influx of people, such as airports or football stadiums.

Which operators offer 5G in Spain

list of 5G phone operators

Xiaomi, Samsung and OPPO are some of the manufacturers with very good 5G mobiles

The telephone operators that offer 5G in Spain are these:

  • Movistar. One of the leading telephone operators in Spain offers 5G connectivity and the largest fiber optic network (FTTH) in the country. In addition, it offers state-of-the-art connectivity in all the mobile rates that it currently offers within its catalogue.
  • 02. Movistar’s low cost subsidiary also offers 5G connectivity in its rates, whatever we end up contracting.
  • Vodafone. The UK operator offers 5G on all Unlimited Rates, both mobile and convergent. This does not imply an increase in their price and the coverage is improved.
  • Orange. With Orange you will have 5G available both in its mobile and mobile plus fiber rates. Currently, Orange’s 5G network is available in 1,655 municipalities in 52 provinces: this represents coverage of almost 78% of all of Spain.
  • Yoigo. To navigate with 5G in Yoigo you need to have a mobile only or fixed plus mobile rate that is currently in force. If you have an outdated rate, you may not have access to 5G and may be overpaying.
  • Pepephone. Vodafone’s low-cost operator, like the parent company, offers both mobile and fiber 5G speed in its rates.
  • Másmóvil. Yoigo is part of the MásMóvil group, so it is logical that the mother company also has this maximum speed coverage. Of course, check your coverage map beforehand to see if it is worth it.
  • Guuk. Operator from the Basque Country that belongs to the MásMóvil group and, therefore, enjoys 5G connectivity. All operator rates offer maximum connectivity speed.
  • Euskaltel. Like Guuk, Euskaltel is a telephone operator in the Basque Country that also offers 5G in its rates.
  • TV cable. Asturias telephone operator that offers its customers 5G connectivity at no additional cost.
  • World R. In this case, we go to Galicia. There, the operator Mundo R serves its clients with maximum speed 5G connectivity.
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These are all the Spanish operators that currently offer 5G coverage. However, as time goes by, surely other operators will join this, hopefully, technological revolution.

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