Linus Wahlgren about the salary negotiation with sister Pernilla

Linus Wahlgren talks regarding the salary negotiation with sister Pernilla.
This comes out in the interview with Carina Bergfeldt in SVT.

Linus Wahlgren is part of the large Wahlgren family and over the years has chosen to go its own way. Today, he is mainly known as a celebrated star on the musical scene. Viewers have also seen him in tons of movies and TV series.

This spring, he is very current with David Bowie-the musical “Lazarus” starting in mid-February at Göta Lejon in Stockholm.

On Friday evening, he is a guest Carina Bergfeldts talk show on SVT – and is then asked, among other things, how it went if he negotiated salary with his sister Pernilla wahlgren. This when he had to jump into Pernilla’s performance at short notice.

– When your sister was a man short on her performance, you took over and jumped in. Was she the one you had to negotiate wages with then, because she was the one who technically had to pay your salary then or, in that production? says Carina Bergfeldt.

Linus Wahlgren explains, with a twinkle in his eye:

– Yes, it was hardly even felt in her wallet. That is what separates us. She talks a lot regarding her private life, I don’t. But it also costs an enormous amount of money because of that, he says, tearing down laughter from the audience in the studio.

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Photo: SVT

Then Linus Wahlgren had to pick up Per Andersson from the pub

In the program, he is also asked how he is as a father to the eldest daughter, who has turned 18. Linus Wahlgren says that he is not worried regarding his daughter in terms of going out.

But once when she called, he first took a breath – before he realized that the call from the pub was regarding someone else entirely. Namely the actor Per Andersson.

– No, she is very calm. I haven’t been allowed to bring her home from parties, she hasn’t called and been lying around. On the other hand, speaking of Per… I’ll hang him out here, but he’ll have to take that. She called me not so long ago, in the middle of the night. Then I thought, “shit, now something has happened”. “Hello dad, it’s Linn. I’m in this place and Per just came in and is dancing on the table. You can come and get him,” says Linus Wahlgren, making the whole studio laugh.

Linus and Per have been colleagues and friends for a long time. In 2017, they were on stage together in the acclaimed musical “The book of Mormon” at the Chinateatern in Stockholm.

Carina Bergfeldt’s talk show is broadcast on Friday at 21.00 on SVT1 and SVT Play.

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