Lintong Primary School: Take the first lesson on the first day of school

Lintong Primary School: Take the first lesson on the first day of school

2022-09-01 19:06:09Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News September 1, the first day of school. The reporter saw at Lintong Elementary School that the students who came to the school in the new semester restored the bustling scene of the campus that had been quiet for two months.

At 8:00 that day, all the fifth grade teachers and students, all subject teachers and school committee members stood solemnly in front of the school’s Mingzhi Building. Teachers and students of other grades sat in their respective classrooms and participated in the first flag-raising ceremony of the new semester with the theme of “Welcome to the 20th National Congress and strive to be a good team member in the new era”.

At the same time, each class of Lintong Primary School also took various forms to carry out the “first lesson” at the class meeting, educating students on safety, discipline, hygiene, legal system, and the development of behavioral habits, and guiding students to further calibrate the value coordinates , improve moral literacy, and strive to be a good player in the new era.

Han Lu, the head teacher of the third class in the third grade, told reporters that on the first day of school, seeing these children was very happy. I also hope that under her leadership, the children will have a happy school life and their academic performance will be steadily improved.

“On the first day of school, when I entered the campus again, I was both happy and excited. Because I was able to meet teachers and classmates that I had not seen for a long time, and I could also learn more new knowledge and become a comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor-oriented person. The primary school students who are developing.” said Li Puyu, a student in the ninth class of the fifth grade.

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It is understood that this semester, on the basis of deepening the reform of classroom teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of education and teaching, Lintong Primary School will focus on key tasks such as “five managements” and “after-school services” according to the school’s conditions, adhere to the original intention of education, and strive to achieve Good quality education that the masses are satisfied with.

Text/Photos Jia Qianqian, correspondent of Luo Yan, all-media reporter of Xi’an Press

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