LinkedIn: How to Disable Typing/Read Receipt Indicators [iPhone, iPad e web]

2023-07-03 11:00:00

O LinkedIn It’s a good social network for anyone looking for a new job or looking to expand their network of professional contacts. right here, in MacMagazinewe have already given some very interesting tips for those who use or will use it.

Keeping that pace, today we’re going to show you how to turn off private message typing indicators and read receipts on this professional network. In the paragraphs ahead, see how to do this!

How to Disable Typing Indicators and Read Receipts on iPhone/iPad

Open the LinkedIn app, tap your photo (in the upper right corner) and go to “Settings”. Go to the “Data Privacy” section and under “Messaging Experience” tap “Read Receipts & Typing Indicators”.

Finally, uncheck the switch to disable these functions.

How to disable typing and read receipt indicators through the web

With the LinkedIn website open and in your profile, click on “Me” (at the top right) and go to “Settings and Privacy”. Go to the “Data Privacy” tab and select “Read Receipts and Typing Indicators”.

Finally, disable the option itself.

Easy and fast! ????

#LinkedIn #Disable #TypingRead #Receipt #Indicators #iPhone #iPad #web

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