limit your hot water consumption

2023-12-29 08:00:40

Sometimes small torrents make big rivers… This is what Sophie Delaitre, CSR Manager at SPIE Facilities, tries to demonstrate to her clients to make them aware of the usefulness of adopting responsible behavior aimed at more energy sobriety. And that means limiting hot water consumption!

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In France, an average of 149 liters of water is consumed every day by a resident of France. In addition to drinking water, it is mainly used foragricultureagriculture and to cool power plants. And sometimes, this water consumption is coupled with another consumption, that ofenergyenergyeither it’s regarding gazgaz, electricity or another type of resource. Suffice to say that water + energy = energy sobrietyenergy sobriety to review ! So, when do we start?

To find out more regarding energy sobriety, discover the podcast “Hey hot water!” © SPIE FACILITIES

Why is it important to limit hot water consumption?

Say that cold water makemake also very well might give the impression of being a little “lesson-giving”, and yet… Letting the tap water run until it becomes hot to wash your hands is a (bad) a habit found in many homes. Good news, it’s not too late to adopt a new consumption pattern to finally soap your hands and rinse your dishes in… cold water!

It is true that in the face of this automatism, we lose sight of the fact that:

  • hot water is produced through the use of energy (gas, electricity, etc.), or even a lot of energy if the water temperature is very hot,
  • running water until it is hot to carry out a simple action such as washing your hands, cleaning a sponge, removing clothing or cleaning a simple object can be avoided,
  • using hot water also means “using energy” and seeing your gas or electricity bill rise,
  • operating hot water and therefore using energy amounts to contributing to emitting greenhouse gasgreenhouse gas.

At home, simple actions can help limit hot water consumption: leave the mixermixer on cold water, take quick showers or wash at low temperatures. Others are more complex like opting for theisolationisolation of its pipes through which domestic hot water passes.

And in a company? At SPIE Facilities, Sophie Delaitre found THE IDEA that makes it possible to change the bad habits of building occupants: removing access to hot water for a week. It is obvious that this radical action was not carried out without informing the employees! And although the operation was completed following a few days, resulting in a saving of 4% on total electricity consumption, the awareness campaign continued. The efforts of the employees too!

Article produced in partnership with SPIE Facilities

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