Lilly Téllez asks the president of the Board of Directors “not to stick your fingers in your nose”

In the midst of a debate on childcare, Senator Lilly Winter ignited the spirits of legislators of the 4T, when requesting the president in turn of the Board of Directors, Jose Narro Cespedes that “don’t stick your fingers up your nose”is it lick my fingers in front of the assembly.

The PAN senator requested the floor to “rectification of facts.” She, from her seat, used the microphone to ask “yours truly Narro Cespedes that when you hold the presidency of the Board of Directors and conduct the sessions, “please ask them to bring you a napkin because it is very unpleasant to see that you are sucking your fingers, that is, you are eating and you are sucking your fingers. Please ask for a napkin.”

The legislator for Sonora went further by recommending to the brunette “out of respect for all of us, who are watching him, wear a handkerchief so that he is not sticking his fingers in his nose.”

They immediately asked for the floor senators of the 4T, as Margaret Valdezwho demanded that Lilly Téllez publicly apologize to the president of the Senate.

He denounced that it is not the first time that an opposition senator without arguments disrespects the Senate Presidency.

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“I believe that a public apology is needed for this type of aggression, President. You are the president of the Senate at this time and it is not possible to try to correct him as if he were a child. I haven’t seen him lick his fingers. I don’t know where they invent that. Frankly, if it were up to me, I would suspend this meeting until a public apology is given to the Senate Executive Board.

PT defends the president of the Board of Directors of the Senate, José Narró Céspedes

Also from her seat, the coordinator of the PT bench, Geovanna Bañuelos, expressed on her own behalf and that of her parliamentary group the “categorical rejection of this type of disrespectful, vulgar, current, out of place expressions.”

He said that José Narro not only represents the highest figure in the Plenary, but also conducts parliamentary work in an honorable and respectful manner, “and it seems to me extremely delicate and reprehensible that Senator Lilly Téllez is using at all times that type of expressions denoting colleagues that we have done nothing but show him respect.”

The senator of PAN He requested the floor once more due to allusions, but the president of the Board of Directors denied it, arguing that it was not a debate.

Minutes later, Senator Narro Céspedes affirmed that the Board of Directors has been respectful of those who make up the Senate of the Republic, and consequently, requested “respect for the governing body and personal integrity.”

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