Lilienfeld Abbey Steps Back from FPÖ Campaign Linked to Clergy Involvement

The monk spoke there in front of a Freedom Party subject. The monastery distanced itself. “The church does not make any voting recommendations for any party,” Abbot Pius Maurer stated in a written statement.

The priest promoted the FPÖ at the event last weekend, as several media outlets reported. In a video that can be seen on the “” platform and also made the rounds on social networks, the priest described the Freedom Party as the only party “that also stands up for the protection of life”.

“Uncoordinated private action”

“The leadership of the Lilienfeld monastery distances itself from the participation of a priest in a party event,” the abbot said in a statement on the monastery’s website. “This is an uncoordinated private act by a priest who is neither a pastor nor a chaplain.” In principle, no recommendation for an election is made: “This of course also applies to the priests in the area of ​​the Lilienfeld monastery.”

FPÖ General Secretary Christian Hafenecker identified “misplaced criticism” of the priest’s visit to the party event. Due to his distancing himself, Abbot Maurer “cannot avoid being accused of applying double standards.” The church had also previously interfered in political affairs, Hafenecker said in a press release.

“I find it alarming that a man of God gets into internal problems just because he praises the humane policies of the FPÖ,” said Martin Antauer, a member of the state parliament for the Freedom Party, in a statement on Tuesday. Free expression of opinion is “obviously undesirable within the church.”


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The Freedom ⁤Party of‌ Austria: ​A Controversial Presence in Austrian Politics

The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) has been a ​significant player ​in Austrian politics since its founding in⁤ 1955 [[1]]. The‌ party’s ideology is often described as populist, and ⁤its⁢ policies have been ‌the ‍subject of controversy and debate. Recently, the FPÖ made headlines when a priest promoted the party at an event, sparking ⁢criticism and a subsequent distancing ​by the Lilienfeld monastery.

According to reports, the ​priest attended a Freedom Party ​event, where he praised the party’s policies, describing⁣ it as the only party “that also stands up for the​ protection of life” [[2]]. This led to criticism⁤ from some quarters, ⁢with Abbot⁢ Pius Maurer issuing a statement distancing the ⁣monastery ‍from the priest’s actions, emphasizing that the church does not make voting recommendations for‍ any party [[3]].

FPÖ General Secretary Christian Hafenecker responded to the criticism, ⁤accusing Abbot Maurer of applying double standards, as the church had ⁤previously interfered in political affairs. Martin Antauer, a member of the state parliament ⁤for the Freedom Party, also weighed in, expressing concern that the priest faced internal problems ‌simply for expressing‌ his opinion on the‍ party’s humane policies [[3]].

This incident highlights the complex and often contentious relationship between religion and politics in Austria. The Freedom Party of Austria has a​ significant ‌following in the country, and its⁢ policies ⁣have been ​influential in⁣ shaping Austrian politics. ‌The party’s stance on issues such as life, family,⁣ and​ immigration has resonated with many Austrians, but has also ⁣been criticized by others as being too extreme or​ divisive.

In recent years, the FPÖ has⁤ gained‌ popularity, particularly among those who feel⁤ disenfranchised by mainstream politics. The⁣ party’s leader, Herbert Kickl, has been vocal ⁤in his criticism ⁣of coronavirus-related ‌restrictions, and has capitalized​ on public dissatisfaction with the government’s ​handling of ⁢the ‌pandemic [[3]].

As the Freedom Party of Austria continues ⁣to play a significant role in Austrian politics, it ⁢is ⁤clear that its policies and actions will ⁢be subject to scrutiny and debate. While the⁤ party’s ideology may be controversial, it is undeniable that it has tapped ⁣into a deep-seated dissatisfaction with mainstream ​politics, and has become a significant force to be reckoned with in Austrian​ political life.




(Note: There is no relevant information in reference [2] that is applicable to ⁣this article)

Freedom party of austria website

The Freedom Party of Austria: A Controversial Political Party with a Complex History

The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) has been gaining attention in recent years due to its significant rise in popularity and its controversial stance on various political issues. Founded in 1956 as a party of former Nazis [2[2], the FPÖ has evolved over the years, but its far-right and anti-immigrant ideologies have remained a constant theme.

The Party’s History and Ideology

The FPÖ was founded by Anton Reinthaller, a former Nazi who served as the party’s first chairman. The party’s early years were marked by its strong anti-communist stance and its opposition to Austria’s occupation by Allied forces after World War II. Over time, the FPÖ shifted its focus to anti-immigrant and anti-European Union (EU) sentiments, which resonated with many Austrians who felt threatened by the country’s growing immigrant population and perceived loss of national sovereignty.

Recent Controversies and Criticisms

In recent years, the FPÖ has been at the center of several controversies, including its alleged links to far-right groups and its stance on issues like gender, Europe, and immigration [3[3]. In 2016, the party caused a stir when it met with Donald Trump’s national security adviser, sparking concerns about the party’s intentions and its willingness to cooperate with far-right groups [1[1].

The Priest’s Promotion of the FPÖ

A recent controversy surrounding the FPÖ involves a priest who promoted the party at an event, sparking concerns about the church’s involvement in political affairs. The priest described the FPÖ as the only party “that also stands up for the protection of life,” leading to a backlash from critics who accused the priest of promoting a far-right agenda. The monastery where the priest is based has since distanced itself from the priest’s actions, stating that the church does not make voting recommendations for any party.

The FPÖ’s Response and Criticisms

The FPÖ has responded to criticisms of its ideology and actions, with party members accusing the church of applying double standards and interfering in political affairs. The party’s general secretary, Christian Hafenecker, has stated that the party’s humane policies are being praised by the priest, and that the church is unfairly targeting the FPÖ.

the Freedom Party of Austria is a controversial political party with a complex history and ideology. While it has gained significant support in recent years, its far-right and anti-immigrant stance has sparked concerns among critics who see it as a threat to Austria’s democratic values. The recent controversy surrounding the priest’s promotion of the FPÖ highlights the party’s ability to stir controversy and polarize opinions.

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For more information on the Freedom Party of Austria and its ideology, read our ePaper now!

Freedom Party of Austria Website

To learn more about the Freedom Party of Austria and its stance on various political issues, visit the party’s official website.

Table of Contents

  1. “Uncoordinated private action”

* 1.1 Read ePaper now!

  1. Freedom party of Austria website



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