Liliána Szilágyi worked as a cleaner in Mexico for a month: A lot of things started in me

About Liliana Szilágyi last time we wrote at the end of May, when it seems that the former swimmer and her father have finally arrived, Zoltán Szilágyi to the end of the legal battle between

The European Championship silver medalist, Youth Olympic and European champion swimmer recently a Soul Community Peller with Marian was a guest of the show, where he told me, how his life has developed in the past period. He said he traveled alone to Guatemala for a month last May after he felt he didn’t have time for himself. He practiced yoga and meditation outside, rarely left his accommodation, but occasionally visited a nearby hippie town to relax with musical and singing evenings.

My inner voice, or my soul, or my subconscious, it doesn’t matter what you call it, kept telling me that I should start on this path better, more deeply. To study, to be free, to have space and time for myself. And everything that I have built up during my life so far, that I am a successful athlete, a good student, and then university, such and such successful things that are acceptable to the outside world, did not and do not cause happiness for a second.

After returning home, Szilágyi decided to give himself another chance in Hungary. He started several projects, but after eight months he felt like he was delusional, he decided to liquidate everything and try his luck in Mexico: he first took a job in a hostel in Tulum.

I say let’s see if we really start from scratch… I got the job, actually it consisted of cleaning for a month. Anything and everything. Which was great, because I have a bit of a cleanliness obsession and a bit of OCD, so I was able to get by really well. I put on the music and then flushed the toilet, swept up the leaves, then cooked and washed, it was great

explained the former swimmer.

A lot of things started in me. For example, on the first day, the thought appeared – from my ego – that “well, I was once one of the best in the world at something, and now I’m here scrubbing the toilet, what kind of thing?” And immediately after that, the inner voice came that you have to start the new path somewhere, and you have to experience things you haven’t experienced before, and you shouldn’t operate from your ego, but from who you are.

Later, a clothing brand approached him saying that they would like to take a photo with him at a location in Puerto Morelos. Szilágyi also went to the area, where he ended up staying for weeks.

I didn’t really do anything special, I did yoga, I connected with people, and I was calm. And I was so very, very surprised at how much I could calm down, that I had just »soaked« myself in this for weeks.

Although her original plan was to travel, find work and teach yoga, she ended up meeting a yoga community with whom she spent weeks in the jungle. During this time, he was taught to meditate even more, completed another yoga instructor training and began to open up to music and learned to play the guitar.

As he said, he has experienced so much in the past period that he feels as if the five months behind him are at least five years. He is currently in Hungary, but plans to return to Mexico in October to continue his life there.



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