Mirtha spoke, Nacho Viale spoke, Marcela spoke and, yesterday, the voice that was missing was finally heard: Adrián Suar, programming manager of El Trece, referred to the situation in which the negotiations for the return of the diva at the signal and threw dirt on the grandson by airing that, indeed, as had been rumored, his claim had been almost double to have La Chiqui once more on the screen, when the budgets for the renewals of contracts that are handled from one year to the year in the channel, in general, they vary between 50 and 70%.
“I don’t want anything else but Mirtha to be here” was the first thing Suar warned before the cameras of “Partners of the show”. And, almost without being asked, he got fully into the reason why at this time of year, the signal has not yet closed the return of the greatest figure on television.
“The producer asked for a silver in the negotiation that, for now, the part that manages the channel numbers makes a very big difference compared to last year. There is regarding a 200 percent difference, ”revealed Suar in relation to the company that produces Mirtha’s programs, StoryLab, and which is neither more nor less than Nacho Viale: his grandson.
Days ago, the version of the 200% increase was known and Viale, from his Twitter account, denied it: “It’s a lie,” he said. Although hours later she clarified: “If we had asked for it, it’s Mirtha, she’s worth it.”
Reaffirming the commitment to give air to the cheerleader, who turned 95 this year and who expressed her desire to return to work in her last public appearances, Suar said that they are evaluating some alternatives. “I think, from what I talked to Mirtha, that she wants to come to El Trece but, well, we are making the best effort for her to be there. What’s more, yesterday I spoke with Nacho and offered him to come to the channel’s studios in case the cost didn’t pay him,” Chueco made it clear, in relation to the possibility that the shipment, to lower costs, stop being recorded in The Court from where it was issued until last year.
And he referred to the economic question once more and, like someone who does not want the thing, compared it with other figures such as Marcelo Tinelli, for example, or with his own production company: “Generally, from one year to the next, Polka has a 55.6 percent increase with the strip I’m doing now. Marcel, the same. Already take it to 170 percent, I don’t understand, but hey, the numbers are the numbers. It is the problem that the producer must have, but it must also be understood that Mirtha -from what she transmits to me, the other day we spoke at 1:30 in the morning when I was coming from the theater- today she wants to be in El Trece, beyond the economic. If she has a better and superior offer, I will never put an obstacle in that sense. As I told Mirtha: ‘You are from all television’”.
In this sense, he seemed to refer to the statement that Nacho Viale issued last week and in which he announced that the contractual link had ended with the signal of the solcito and that they were in a position to negotiate with other stations.
“I want her to come to El Trece, she too, but if not where she is fundamentally happy, because she is a great lady who needs respect and deserves respect. Wherever she wants to be, there we will all be, ”she warned.
The interesting thing came when the “Socios” notary asked him specifically if he felt that Nacho Viale was having a selfish attitude. And Suar did not hesitate to blame him for the whole situation: “He must have a very big problem, although I do not understand what because I am also a producer, I do not finish seeing that big difference, I do not finish understanding it.”
Finally, he insisted once more that the specific problem in Mirtha’s return is merely economic: “It is an economic issue. When there is a (request for an increase of) 170 percent, I see it as difficult, but we are going to keep trying. For my part, I will keep trying.”
“Nacho must have a very big problem, but I don’t know what because I’m also a producer and I don’t understand that difference”