Liguria, the troubled left brings out fake polls –

The left’s latest gimmick is fake polls. The comrades, knowing they are behind in Liguria, are spreading fake surveys. The latest research, carried out by Euromedia Research, says not only that the center-right is still ahead in the Region where Toti was forced to resign, but even that one of its former assessors, Ilaria Cavo, could win, who according to studies carried out within the coalition, is the strongest of the contenders. The work commissioned by the progressives according to which Orlando would have been ahead of the conservatives has been denied.

Orlando's ultimatum to Elly: decide or I withdraw my candidacy. Conte's no weighs in

One thing is certain, about ten days ago the dust raised by a certain press weighed heavily, as did the desire for a center-left front, which was being found. Instead, it would have been the usual internal divisions within the progressives that made voters change their minds. The hesitation on the candidacy of the former Keeper of the Seals, the divisions in the Ligurian Democratic Party, the entry into the field of a profile indicated directly by Conte and the various vetoes on Italia Viva and centrists. These, in particular, would have created perplexity in an electorate that does not trust a large, divided field.

Pact between Grillo and Orlando against Conte to prevent him from taking Liguria

Instead, it seems that the prudence of a center-right, which has been able to keep the various souls together and has therefore avoided rushes forward, which could have proved fatal, has been rewarded in those latitudes. In this sense, the solidarity around Toti has had an impact, which has certainly contributed to keeping the ranks closed and above all to keeping that guarantor front united, which does not find itself with the positions of a certain magistracy. In Liguria, for the experts, in fact, the weight of the justicialists, the so-called forcaioli, weighs less and less. Most people simply want light to be shed on the affair, but they respect the time of the investigations and will issue definitive verdicts only when the trial phase is over.

#Liguria #troubled #left #brings #fake #polls #Tempo
2024-08-28 13:49:07



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