Liguria, Piciocchi’s stock rises as a center-right candidate. Ball to the polls –

The center-right is always on the hunt for a name that can be used for the presidency of Liguria. There, “the situation is more complex,” Giorgia Meloni said yesterday in front of the executive of Fratelli d’Italia, explaining that “after the excellent relaunch work carried out by the center-right, we are identifying a candidate capable of giving continuity to the growth of the Region.” While waiting for an agreement that seems far away for now (at the moment there is no regional summit of the coalition, usually a prelude to one at a national level between the leaders), the stock of the deputy mayor of Genoa and councilor for Public Works Pietro Piciocchi, a leading figure in the Bucci administration, remains high, particularly liked by the League and who could also enjoy the support of Fratelli d’Italia if the polls were to confirm a high consensus.

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It is no coincidence that Matteo Rosso, Ligurian coordinator of the party on Via della Scrofa, tells Adnkronos: «I have the utmost respect for Dr. Piciocchi, I consider him the best possible deputy mayor and an excellent candidate for mayor for Genoa in the future. I therefore believe that his role is that, but certainly if in the polls carried out at a national level he were to be ahead of Rixi and Cavo in terms of Ligurian approval as a candidate for president, then this would change the scenarios…».

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In the guessing game of names, however, there is always the deputy of Noi Moderati, Ilaria Cavo, a staunch supporter of Giovanni Toti. Yesterday morning, sources from the Forza Italia party report, an organizational meeting was held at the national headquarters of FI between Antonio Tajani and the Ligurian leaders of the party, with Letizia Moratti and Massimo Salini (elected in the European elections in the Liguria constituency) present to finalize the list to field in the regional elections: the goal is to find a strong candidate, possibly civic, shared with the coalition allies. Moratti, president of the National Consultation of FI, would have been entrusted with the task of following in particular the ‘contents’ for the program. In this regard, programmatic priorities have been set in the sectors of health and welfare, volunteering. While waiting for the center-right to find an agreement on a common name, which satisfies everyone, Carlo Bagnasco, current regional coordinator of the Forza Italia party in Liguria (present at the Rome summit), is in the field for Forza Italia.

#Liguria #Piciocchis #stock #rises #centerright #candidate #Ball #polls #Tempo
2024-09-08 08:27:11



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