Liguria, Orlando: it is democracy if decisions are in everyone’s interest – Gazzetta Matin

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His Business or Yours? The Liguria Politico-Dramedy

Ah, Liguria! A region of stunning coastlines and astounding political intrigues. I mean, when your political landscape looks more like a scripted reality show than a campaign, you know you’ve struck gold—or, well, something decidedly less glamorous. Enter stage left: Andrea Orlando, the center-left candidate aiming to shake up a political scene riddled with more corruption than an Italian spaghetti western. With the backdrop of a five-star buffet for the wealthy—where only the “men of privilege” are allowed to feast—Orlando’s fired up to bring back democratic weightlifting where every citizen gets a turn on the political barbell.

The Mysterious Case of the Privileged Few

“Decisions made by the few, rich, and privileged”—and I thought that was just the regular Sunday lunch for most Italian families! Orlando’s point rings clear: the previous regime has been about as inclusive as a men’s club sauna. He’s talking about a political-business committee that makes you wonder if there’s a secret handshake involved. Or perhaps a PowerPoint presentation laden with diabolical plans for local domination? And how about this juicy bit: the ongoing investigation into past council’s escapades is not just a passing thought, it’s a clarion call for change. It’s like a cooking contest where the judges have rigged the rules—everyone’s been silenced while spaghetti gets thrown around like it’s a food fight!

Silencing the Whistle

Now, it wouldn’t be Italy without shady negotiations and the occasional mafia mention, would it? Orlando suggests that the center-right, led by enigmatic Bucci, is trying to pull off the political version of whack-a-mole when it comes to these investigations. But rather than just whacking the moles, they’re apparently duck-taping the entire affair and insisting, “What mafia? Never heard of it!”—all while maintaining their best innocent faces (like a puppy caught with its paw in the biscuit jar). One can’t help but laugh at the absurdity; it’s like watching a magician fumble while attempting a disappearing act, all while being watched by the very audience they swindled.

Political Relationships: Not Just a Weekend Getaway

Orlando brings up the past ten years like they’re a bad family holiday that nobody wanted to relive. Apparently, Bucci and Co. have been enjoying “privileged relationships” with society’s upper crust—sure sounds like a recipe for disaster that would make any soap opera writer jealous. With public resources being used like party favors at a wealthy friend’s birthday bash, it’s no wonder the region’s decline resembles a bad rom-com where everyone keeps stepping on each other’s toes.

In essence, Orlando’s bringing the heat, positioning himself as the moral compass in a room filled with opportunistic compasses that only point towards their wallets. Or maybe they’re just magnetic—because they always attract the wrong kind of attention. Whatever the case, this upcoming election isn’t just about who gets to wear the fancy political shoes; it’s about who ensures those shoes don’t trample on the honest feet of the Ligurian populace.

Final Thoughts: Democracy Needs a Bodyguard

So here we stand: on the precipice of electoral hilarity in Liguria. Will Orlando manage to wrestle power back from the oligarchs of the region? Or will Bucci’s supportive cronies continue their reign over the political chessboard? One thing is for sure: with politicians scrambling to dodge investigations and cling to their power, it’s bound to be a season of twists and turns that would put any binge-worthy series to shame!

Hold onto your popcorn, folks—because it’s about to get wildly entertaining!

Rome, 23 Oct. (askanews) – “I aim to restore a full democracy in which decisions are made in the interest of all citizens; he represents continuity with the 9 years of Toti in which the decisions were made by the few, rich and privileged and only men. The investigation that overwhelmed the previous council revealed a precise dynamic of power management by a political-business committee. I believe that the majority of Ligurians feel deeply this issue of honesty and respect for the rules in managing public affairs”. Andrea Orlando, center-left candidate in the Liguria regional elections, said this in an interview with the manifesto.

“The centre-right – he added – did everything to silence the investigation, and we decided not to run an electoral campaign focusing only on this but on its political and social implications. The cliques that have been created are one of the causes of the region’s decline.”

In Orlando’s opinion “an attempt is underway to remove not only the investigation. Bucci also denies mafia infiltration in the region, which also emerged in the judicial papers. And moreover, most of Bucci’s supporters were in the front row of Toti’s management: councillors, advisors, spokesmen. Bucci is trying in every way to distance himself from a system of power of which he was part. In these ten years the ground has been plowed, there have been privileged relationships with parts of the economy and society, on the right there have been no fears in using public resources to generate consensus. Bucci was nominated precisely to save the interests of this social bloc,” he reiterated.

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