Lightning controls in Obor Square. Huge fines for fishmongers

According to a press release from ANSVSA, 12 units were checked and 8 contraventional sanctions were applied, totaling 72,000 lei. At the same time, 254 kg of fish and fishery products were confiscated.

Among the irregularities discovered are non-compliance with the rules regarding the conditions of storage, labelling, packaging and handling of food products, non-compliance with the rules regarding the maintenance of the premises for processing, storage and utilization of food products, as well as the installations, machines and work utensils used and violation of the rules regarding the demonstration of product traceability and the lack of self-control programs within the units.

ANSVSA recommends consumers to purchase food products only from units or premises under veterinary sanitary control.

(source: Mediafax)

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