Lifting weights and the risk of early death.. a study of the fluctuation of the scales

Weight lifting Regularly can reduce the risk of people dying early, according to the network "Sky News" British.

According to the study, adults who were heavy lifting had a 9 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality.

He participated in the study conducted by academics at the National Institute for cancer In the United States, Brookville, Maryland, 100,000 adults, average age 71.

Study participants provided information regarding their weightlifting and any other exercise they did.

About 23 percent reported that they do not lift weights, while 16 percent said they do it regularly, once to 6 times a week.

After following them over a period of 6 years and 6 months, the study found that those who exercised weightlifting had a 9 percent lower risk of death, while the numbers linked a decline in the rates of injured people. heart disease And this sport.

In their study, the researchers noted that "Weightlifting in the elderly was associated with lower mortality from all causes and cardiovascular disease".

The study indicated that "All-cause mortality was lower in older adults who did aerobic exercise or weightlifting, but the lowest risk of death was seen in adults who reported both types of exercise.".

The study advised adults to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, to maintain their health.


The study said, Weight lifting Regularly it can reduce the risk of people dying early, according to the British “Sky News” network.

According to the study, adults who were heavy lifting had a 9 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality.

He participated in the study conducted by academics at the National Institute for cancer In the United States, Brookville, Maryland, 100,000 adults, average age 71.

Study participants provided information regarding their weightlifting and any other exercise they did.

About 23 percent reported that they do not lift weights, while 16 percent said they do it regularly, once to 6 times a week.

After following them over a period of 6 years and 6 months, the study found that those who exercised weightlifting had a 9 percent lower risk of death, while the numbers linked a decline in the rates of injured people. heart disease And this sport.

In their study, the researchers noted that “lifting weights in older adults was associated with a lower incidence of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease.”

The study indicated that, “A lower all-cause mortality was observed in older adults who engaged in aerobic exercise or weightlifting, but the lowest risk of death was observed among adults who reported both types of exercise.”

The study advised adults to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, to maintain their health.



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