Lifting one of the Damanhour train carriages in preparation for the return of trains.. Video and photos

A short time ago, the Railway Authority team managed to lift one of the carriages of the Matrouh-Cairo train that derailed at Damanhour Station without causing any injuries.

The Railway Authority used giant cranes to remove the effects of the accident, and the railway tracks are being repaired, to bring the trains back to normal.

The Damanhour train station in Beheira witnessed the removal of traces of a passenger train tractor and one of the cars on the Cairo-Alexandria line derailing while the train entered Damanhour railway station this morning.

Informed sources confirmed that the Railway Authority used a work team and giant cranes from the Tanta station to return the vehicles to their tracks, and to repair railway tracks and vehicles in the authority’s workshops in Alexandria.

The security services in the lake had received a report from the railway police stating that the tractor of the passenger train No. 774 and the first carriage of the train coming from Matrouh had left the railway tracks while entering Damanhour station.

Immediately, the security leaders moved to the scene of the incident. Inspection, it was found that my car had left the train off the tracks of the railway tracks, without causing any injuries.

The incident resulted in the suspension of trains on the Cairo-Alexandria line, and the train cars are being returned to their normal position and trains are returning to their scheduled times.

It is noteworthy that the Egyptian National Railways Authority announced that during the course of the 774 train (sleeping + air-conditioning) at Marsa Matrouh / Cairo this morning, at the Damanhour station, the tractor and the power wagon were derailed, occupying the ascending and descending line, and this did not result in any occurrence injuries.

Immediately alert to push the lifting equipment to the site of the accident to quickly finish lifting the accident and prepare the rail for normal movement, and the trains are being rotated from Itai gunpowder station until the completion of the railway readiness.

The authority also stresses that passengers wishing to return the tickets issued to them on the line trains to recover their value without any deductions, and this was alerted to the formation of a technical committee to find out the reasons that led to the accident and quickly prepare a report and follow-up is underway.

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