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Sexuality among seniors is still wrapped in a lot of taboos.PHOTO : getty images/istockphoto / KatarzynaBialasiewicz

Ageism and infantilization affect the daily lives of some older people, and this also applies to their sexuality. The sexologist and administrative director of 3 sex*, Mariane Gilbert, tries to break down taboos around this by visiting seniors’ residences to facilitate conversations on the subject. “There’s this idea that if we don’t talk regarding it, it won’t happen. Of course, that’s not the case,” she says.

« What I always repeat is that if sexuality is important for someone at 30, 40 or 50, at 60, 70, 80 and 90, it will continue to be so. »

A quote from

Mariane Gilbert, sexologist and administrative director of 3 sex*

I think there’s a bit of distrust, and “we shouldn’t give them ideas”. We are talking regarding people who have been on this Earth for 80 years. I don’t think it’s me who’s going to give them ideas!lance Mariane Gilbert.

In this interview, Ms. Gilbert presents the topics she discusses with the elderly during her meetings, but also with the residence staff. She also points out that these living environments are very often ill-suited for an elderly person to be able to fully experience their sexuality.