Life+Style: Péter Szijjártó found Hungarian engineer Lando Norris at the Hungaroring

Life+Style: Péter Szijjártó found Hungarian engineer Lando Norris at the Hungaroring |

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade looked into the pit lane.

“It’s no wonder that almost every great international success has a Hungarian thread. One of Lando Norris’ engineers, who is responsible for the start and control, is Hungarian engineer Péter Ladocsi.” – Péter Szijjártó posted about the Hungaroring with this text. The attached photo shows the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade with Péter Ladocsi and Zsolt Gyulay, head of Hungaroring Sport Zrt.

Péter Szijjártó

It’s no wonder that almost every great international success has a Hungarian thread. One of Lando Norris’ engineers, who is responsible for the start and control, is Hungarian engineer Péter Ladocsi. We hope that He and the…

Lando Norris, the young British driver of McLaren, is a representative of the new generation of Formula 1. He has already passed the baptism of fire of the first race victory, and now the pursuit of the world championship title does not seem like a far-fetched plan. Moreover, Lando Norris has a good chance of fighting for another Herendi at the weekend’s Hungarian Grand Prix.

Girls fuel the Lando Norris mania, but the whole of Formula 1 goes well with it

The considerable following of McLaren’s young British driver will introduce a new generation of fans to Formula 1. He has already passed the baptism of fire of the first race victory, now even chasing the world championship title does not seem like a far-fetched plan, and there is a good chance that Lando Norris will fight for another Herendi at the weekend’s Hungarian Grand Prix.

As a McLaren driver, Norris took the third after the second free practice: as we wrote, he drove the best time in the third free practice of the F1 Hungarian Grand Prix: he completed a lap of 1:16.098. And here we wrote about what can be eaten at the Hungaroring for those who don’t want hot food or hamburgers.

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The match was interrupted for two hours due to the Moroccan fans rushing onto the field, the turn came after the break.



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